Official Provincial Elders’ News

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 18-25, 2018

The Moravian Church is privileged to join with Christians throughout the world in prayers for the unity of the Church during the week of January 18-25. The theme for this year is ”Your Right Hand, O Lord, Glorious in Power”, taken from the Book of Exodus 15:6.

Ecumenical Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Provincial Elders’ Conferences request that congregations observe our ecumenical witness in the worship services on Sunday, January 28, 2018. In addition to prayers and themes for preaching, our ecumenical witness is expressed in our participation in local and regional ecumenical service ministries and in councils of churches. Our church supports financially this ecumenical witness with congregational pledges for local and state councils of churches and with support for the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA and the World Council of Churches.

Prayer Day for Retired Ministers, January 28, 2018

The last Sunday in January has been designated as a day of prayer for retired ministers. This is an opportunity to recognize with gratitude the service our retired ministers and their spouses have rendered to the Church over the years.

Elizabeth D. Miller

Provincial Elders’ Conference


Bethesda Moravian Church

The members of Bethesda Moravian Church have voted to conclude their ministry together and to close the congregation after Sunday, Dec. 31, 2017

We invite your prayers of thanksgiving for the 118 years of work, witness and service of this community of faith, along with your continued prayers for Richard Spaugh, pastor, the church board, and the members during this time of transition, ending, and new beginnings.