This holiday season, would you consider taking part in the growing holiday tradition of giving gifts to those in need?
Download the 2017 Gifts of Change for more information.
Gifts of Change is a representative giving program sponsored by the Moravian Board of World Mission (BWM )that allows us to walk with our global partners in specific ministries. With your gifts, we can help to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate and in need of food, education, health care, the dignity of self-reliance and their desire to learn more about God’s love. Please consider helping us fund one of the mission projects listed below.
Scholarship Programs
Further education is a critical means by which our global churches build up their leadership and provide opportunities for many to improve their quality of life. In addition to current medical scholarships in Honduras, BWM is hoping to provide scholarships for technician training at the Ahuas Clinic, for high school fees for the orphans at Ray of Hope in Kenya, for post-high school training for Adopt a Village orphans in Tanzania, for higher theological education for both the Honduras Province and the Honduras Mission Province, for children to study at the Rajpur Institute in India, and for children to attend the kindergarten in Nepal. Consider donating what you are able toward a general scholarship fund to begin addressing these and other needs, or toward a specific program that touches your heart.
Health Care
Adequate health care is a basic need for all people and we especially see these needs among the indigenous people in the area of the Ahuas Clinic in Honduras. The clinic recently began an infant nutrition program that now has expanded to three villages, providing basic nutrition to approximately 100 children. Another important program at Ahuas is for treatment for those with HIV. The number treated has grown to eight, with costs to get to the government hospital every three months in order to monitor their treatment and receive their medications.
The Star Mountain Rehabilitation Centre in Palestine is a program of the Moravian Unity that provides excellent care and training to around 80 disabled children. They have ongoing needs that would benefit from our help, with intentional efforts to integrate the disabled into their home communities. BWM also supports an initiative by the Armando Rusindo Moravian Foundation to provide clean water in Cuba. The placement of simple water filters has already decreased the risk for cholera in the rural areas.
Mission Outreach
We are all about sharing the news of God’s love throughout the world. Consider donating to support efforts to explore new areas of mission in Marshall, Alaska, among the Yupik peoples; in Cuba to support their growing youth camp ministry, in Honduras as they reach out to the isolated Tawahka people group, and in Peru as they continue to grow their churches in Lima and Chiclayo. These are just some of the outreach programs supported by BWM.
Economic Strengthening
BWM strongly feels that going “upstream,” helping others to help themselves, is foundational to our mission. Our primary initiative in this is the HUKWAFA—Huduma kwa Watoto na Familia (Serving Children and Families)—program in Tanzania, where two communities have developed income-generating projects and are seeing an overall improved quality of life and sense of well-being. Thank you for your ongoing support of this work. There are continued opportunities to help with animal husbandry and agricultural projects, as well as expansion of the program to a new village.