Worship is a powerful expression of our love for God and God’s love for the world. It is such an important part of faith that many congregations center their community life around the weekly worship service. We are continuously created in worship as we follow Jesus into the world to proclaim the Good News.
After completing our work on the New Hymnal Exploration Committee, we walked away full of ideas and energy about the worship and music happening in our provinces and the Unity. We were inspired by a thought from the Rev. Dr. Nola Knouse, director of the Moravian Music Foundation: historically, when the Moravian Church has faced challenges and crises, it has also experienced heightened creativity, with a large cache of hymns and prayers being produced. It was exciting to consider the opportunities ahead of us to lift up the places where we are being renewed through the Spirit of God and creating new worship materials out of this new inspiration.
To foster this idea and build on our committee’s work, we wanted to create space for conversation about the ways people are shaping worship through writing songs and liturgies, using poetry and visual arts, and simply creating experiences in worship that encourage deepening faith. Here in the pages of The Moravian, we will begin that conversation.
We will start by sharing articles, hymns and their backstories, and ideas for using worship resources in various ways. We know that throughout our provinces, the practice of worship varies among congregations, regions and contexts. We also know that an idea that works in Edmonton or New York could very well bless the worship in Florida or North Carolina. We look forward to exploring, celebrating and sharing that diversity and including a variety of perspectives on worship, meaning and what inspires.
To make this happen, we’re looking for submissions and ideas from you!
• Have you written a hymn, prayer, liturgy, poem, etc. that you would like to share?
• Is there a practice of worship in your congregational setting that you think others might enjoy learning about?
• Do you have questions about worship or ideas that you would like to explore?
• Of what hymns or songs would you like to know the backstory?
Email us at [email protected] with ideas, hymns, suggestions and thoughts on worship! Let’s continue the conversation and share with one another. Watch future issues of The Moravian for this exciting, creative development!
We look forward to hearing from you and sharing the creativity alive and well in today’s Moravian Church!