Take mother nature’s fury, a Sunday School Lesson about the tornado-ravaged city of Moore, Oklahoma, and a five-year-old with a servant’s heart and what do you get? The Motors-4-Moore Car & Motorcycle Show at New Beginnings Moravian Church in Hundersville, N.C.
“This exciting, family-friendly event will take place on Saturday, Oct. 4th, from 10-2 p.m. and will kick-off our Anniversary Weekend,” says Janet Kaufman of New Beginnings. “We’ll be celebrating our 14th year by focusing on helping the fine folks of Moore; a perfect way to thank God for the many blessings bestowed on New Beginnings.”
Why Moore, Okla.? On May 19th, 20th, and 31st, 2013, central Oklahomans took cover from an EF-4 and two EF-5 tornados. Whole subdivisions were obliterated, and businesses and three schools suffered major damage. Hundreds were hospitalized, 25 lost their lives. All totaled, the central Oklahoma area suffered some $5 billion in damages; $2 billion in Moore alone.
All makes and models of cars and motorcycles are invited to participate, and awards will be given based on Best of Show, Spectator’s Choice, Owners’ Choice, etc. A delicious grilled lunch will be available for purchase, as well as beverages, snacks and baked goods. Children’s activities & free blood pressure screenings will be offered, and door prizes will be awarded throughout the day. And, as a way of personalizing the event, everyone who attends will have the opportunity to send their own message of hope and love to the good folks of Moore on our “From our Community to Yours” banner, which will accompany the donations.
The proceeds from New Beginning’s outreach effort will benefit three organizations: Serve Moore, a collection of local churches working together for renewal in Moore; the Communities Foundation of OK, set up by the Chamber of Commerce of Moore to help small business in Moore (the Red Cross is legally unable to help businesses); and Hillsdale Baptist School & Church, which opened their dorms and cafeterias free-of-charge to house and feed volunteers (100 people a night) since May of 2013.
For more information, e-mail [email protected].
From the September 2014 Moravian Magazine