Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
These are the most essential words of a true believer.
A true servant’s heart is essential for ministry. A servant’s heart allows the person to put aside his or her own agenda in order to carry out Christ’s mission. The best leader in the church is the one who is willing to serve.
Jesus taught this not only to James and John but to the other ten disciples who were there listening: “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all” (Mark 10:42–44 NIV).
Jesus also called the whole church to do the same. As leaders in the Moravian Church, we are all called to serve first, but often we fail to heed our true calling: servanthood.
Beware! The barriers to evangelism in congregations are apathy, lack of concern, no sense of urgency, “do not see it as our responsibility,” the “what’s in it for me?” attitude.
Based on a relationship with the Servant Leader, Jesus Christ, a true servant puts aside his or her own agenda in order to carry out Christ’s mission.
The highest compliment a believer can give God is to invite a friend to know him.
Tracy Robinson, co-pastor, Esperanza for Bethlehem, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania