World Communion Sunday
Today around the world many congregations are sharing Holy Communion. I enjoy the thought of Christians everywhere thinking about one point that we can agree on: Holy Communion. On this Sunday, I remember Christ is the head of one body (Ephesians 4:15–16). Though we divide ourselves by denominations and regions, we are still part of the same body of Christ.
I have had the privilege to give and to receive Communion in many different denominations, each with its own rituals and forms. Even within our own Moravian denomination (for example, Alberta, Labrador, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Nepal, South Africa), there are many differences.
Christians seem to spend a lot of time separating ourselves from one another. On this day, however, for about twenty-four hours there is Communion happening somewhere, a reminder, to me, of what binds us together. We are all part of the body. We can attack one another, but our health comes from working together and from acknowledging that Jesus Christ is the head of everyone (of every denomination and country) who is a Christian.
Whether we sip wine from a cup or drink juice from a tiny glass, whether we break bread or a wafer, we are remembering Jesus—his life, death, and resurrection so that the world may know salvation. We are bound under one head: Jesus Christ.
Trina Holmberg, pastor, Church of the Redeemer Moravian Church, Dublin, Ohio