Moravian Music Sunday, May 19, 2019
The fifth Sunday of Easter, May 19, 2019, has been designated as Moravian Music Sunday. The purpose of this observance is to help all congregations become more familiar with our rich heritage of Moravian music. Music is an expression of faith, and thus continuing creativity is to be encouraged.
Outdoor Ministries Sunday, June 23, 2019
The 1994 Synod of the Moravian Church–Northern Province passed legislation regarding the observance of an Outdoor Ministries Sunday. The date for this observance has been established by the Provincial Elders’ Conference as the Sunday after Trinity Sunday, which falls on June 23 this year. Pastors are encouraged to use either of the liturgies prepared in 1996-1997. The liturgies are available in the “Public Documents” section of the Northern Province Portal or by contacting the Provincial Office.
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Sister Christine Johnson has accepted an appointment to serve as part-time pastor for West Side Moravian Church, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Sister Johnson began her service April 14, 2019.
Brother Timothy J. Naisby, a May 2019 graduate of Moravian Theological Seminary, will be ordained a deacon of the Moravian Church on June 29, 2019. Bishop C. Hopeton Clennon will officiate at the service, which will be held at Central Moravian Church, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Unionville, Michigan
Brother Timothy J. Naisby has accepted the call to serve as pastor for Unionville Moravian Church, Unionville, Michigan. Brother Naisby will begin his work in July 2019.
Elizabeth D. Miller
Provincial Elders’ Conference
Calvary, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Brother Chaz Snider has accepted the call to become associate pastor at Calvary Moravian. He will conclude his ministry at Ardmore on April 21st and begin at Calvary May 5th. Please remember brother Snider, his family, and the Calvary and Ardmore congregations in prayer during this time of transition.
PEC Service
Brother David Marcus has accepted the call to become the assistant to the PEC president. David will conclude his ministry at Christ Moravian in Winston-Salem, N.C. on April 8 and will begin work at the PEC Office April 22. Please remember David and the Christ congregation in prayer during this time of change.
David Guthrie
Provincial Elders’ Conference