December 2013
In this issue: the story behind the Beeswax Candle, Christmas in Alaska, celebrating a 400-year-old Bible and more!
- Memories of Moravian Christmas on the Kuskokwim
- The Beeswax Candle: A Moravian symbol of light and hope
- A celebration of the Bible and ecumenism: the 400th anniversary of the Kralice Bible
- Books offer deeper look into Moravian history
- Call for Papers: Bethlehem Conference on Moravian History & Music
- Songbook makes musical addition to services at Trinity
- Small stiches make a big difference
- A good time to look up
- In Memoriam: The Rev. Brigitte Schloss (1927-2013)
- Washington DC pastor shares why it’s the ministry that matters
- Ponderings: A Tale of Two Coffees
- Official Provincial Elders’ New
- Clergy Emergency Assistance Fund
- 2013 Index of The Moravian Magazine
November 2013
This issue features ideas for a 21st-century Choir System, preparations for the 2014 Southern Province Synod, travelling with the Unity Heritage Tour, and more!
- Committee focuses on worldwide matters at meeting in Bethlehem
- Tracing Moravian roots on the Unity Youth Heritage Tour 2013
- Learning from our past: Ideas for a 21st-century choir system
- Gathering prepares delegates for 2014 Synod
- Board seeks God’s direction in Mission during fall retreat and meeting
- Daggett Moravian “saddles up” for Cowboy Church celebration
- Moravian Theological Seminary’s CROSSROADS program prepares lay leaders for congregational service
- Hearing the stories behind the songs
- What one man can do by following the Lord
- Ponderings
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- Obituary: The Rev. Leon H. Matthias
- Statistics of the Moravian Church, Northern & Southern Provinces
October 2013
This month’s issue features stories on community outreach, visiting Moravians in Alaska, learning from missions, the Moravian Daily Texts, and more!
- Ohio congregations join together for “Grace in the Valley”
- Redeemer Ohio Community Garden plants seeds of outreach
- Youth mission project produces a-maze-ing labyrinth for Christ Moravian
- Salem Creek RCC reaches out to St. Philips’ neighborhood
- Choosing a cover for the Daily Texts
- Comenius Learning Series event explores Ancient Unity and Sermon on the Mount
- Creating a Mission and Ministry Fund
- Bethlehem Archives completes first phase of renovations
- Travelers find warmth and hospitality among Alaskan Moravians
- Mission team learns and grows while helping Alaskan Seminary
- Ponderings: Sparking a sense of community
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- Obituary: The Rev. Melvin R. Klokow
September 2013
This month’s issue features articles on the 24th Moravian Music Festival, Youth Convo 2013, ecumenical celebrations and more!
- Moravian youth “get connected” at Convo 2013
- The 12th Moravian Women’s Conference coming in 2015
- Filling in the GAPS
- Moravian Music Festival 2013
- Festival Scholarship winners share thoughts, thanks for musical opportunity
- Historic Lovefeast brings together ecumenical partners
- Mission trip results in ecumenical partnership and communion
- Knitting together for Synod 2014
- Mission work on the home front: a remembrance of Francis Weber
- Ponderings: One busy summer
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- Obituaries: The Rev. Otto Dreydoppel, The Rev. Dr. Mary J. Matz
August 2013
In this issue: Moravian music around the world; Moravian Seminary commencement; bringing ministers together; Staten Island “thanks”; and more
- Moravian Theological Seminary celebrates 2013 Commencement
- Staten Island congregations send thanks for helping them help Sandy victims
- New Beginnings blends mission with “Start your engines!”
- A special project for a special season
- Bläsertag 2013: Unity Brass Festival gathers horns from around the world
- “But we’ve never sung that before!” Introducing a new song
- Moravian clergy gather to learn, relax and refresh spirits
- Crossroads: Stories at the Intersections highlights the power and spirit of stories
- Spiritual Life Retreat demonstrates “Jesus-God With Us”
- Ponderings
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- Obituaries: The Rev. James O. Bruckart, The Rev. James L. Johnson
June/July 2013
In this issue, we feature Moravian Missions, the Latino Ministries Conference and a special section: the Moravian Board of World Mission Annual Report.
- Global Leadership Summit brings together World Mission partners
- Conference emphasizes growth, challenges of Latino Ministries
- Moravian Ministries Foundation: Future perspective from historical inspiration
- Lamb Ministry brings comfort
- Ponderings: Recognizing the Spirit in changing times
- Provincial Elders’ Conference News
- Preparing the Soil: The Board of World Mission 2012 Annual Report
May 2013
In this issue, we feature our annual round-up of Moravian Camping Ministries in North America, plus stories of Moravian youth in action and more!
- Building faith in the great outdoors
- Laurel Ridge: The Southern Province’s jewel in the mountains
- Why did I put that guitar in the car?
- Camp Hope readies for busy season of Eastern District Camping
- Camping in the Western District
- Camping in Canada at Van-Es
- Mid-States getting “Back to the Basics”
- Camping brings California Moravians together
- Moravian Bishop Kay Ward pens Bible study for Lutheran magazine Gather
- A different way to spend Spring Break: college age mission trips
- Young adults study the importance of their faith at Wisconsin retreat
- Palmyra Moravian celebrates sesquicentennial
- Ponderings: The park bench oasis
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
April 2013
In this issue: Studying theology at Lay Seminary; reaching inactives; coordinating full communion; and more!
- A ministry of Stewardship and Education to those less active or inactive
- A Moravian Life begun at the kitchen sink
- Moravian-Episcopal Coordinating Committee meets to strengthen full communion
- Lay Seminary seeks to answer “Moravian Theology—what is it today?”
- Sing…Play…Listen…at the 24th Moravian Music Festival!
- Open House shares old Moravian traditions in a creative new way
- Charlotte-area Moravian women share “Springs of Life”
- Orphan Education in the Sikonge District
- Organization honoring Moravian missionary plans bicycle trail and park system
- Ponderings: Ordination uplifts a Sunday afternoon
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- Obituary: The Rt. Rev. Milo A. Loppnow
- Upcoming Events
March 2013
In this issue, we feature a Lenten reflection, the weekly Moravian connection, events for youth ministry, Moravians in mission and more!
- Three Lenten Gifts by Bishop Kay Ward
- Seminary offers Youth Ministry Weekend
- Gearing up for Youth Convo 2013
- Back to our Mission Area in Sierra Leone
- A Canadian congregation helps build the faith in Nicaragua
- Bulletin messages connect Moravians across North America
- Provinces share guidelines for using copyrighted materials
- Take a fresh look at Hope Center
- Agency helps build a larger life for Northern Province congregations and agencies
- Mt. Bethel, Virginia’s first Moravian church, celebrates its 160th anniversary
- Bryon L. Grigsby named President of Moravian Theological Seminary
- Ponderings: A cover for Lent
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
January/February 2013
This month’s issue features stories of faith resources, Moravian travels, music and art, youth in action and much more!
- Moravian Unity Board meets in Herrnhut
- College-Age Retreat reveals “growing up is hard to do”
- Moravian music strikes a chord with concert-goers in Greensboro, N.C.
- Moravian Ministries Foundation helps Moravians “Invest Where You Believe”
- On the road to Gininiga
- Joy and lament at the Women’s Conference, Nzega, Tanzania
- Shining in Cuba
- Moravians in Cuba: A growing faith
- “Daily Prayers for Moravians” offer inspiration and prayer on the web
- Northern Province offers new Healthy Congregations resource
- Moravian Archives expansion project helps prepare it for the next 35 years
- New book brings archivist’s research and words to life
- Ponderings: Sunrises and sunsets
- Official Provincial Elders’ News
- Obituary: The Rev. Dr. Cedric Sydney Rodney