Prayer Day for the Bible Societies
November 24, 2019
On Sunday, November 24, we will join with churches of many other denominations in emphasizing the importance of the Bible. Our church is part of the American and Canadian Bible Societies, which do much to publish and distribute the Word of God.
World AIDS Day, December 1, 2019
The Synods of 2006 resolved to recognize World AIDS Day on December 1 and proclaim it as a day of commemoration and prayer by our Moravian churches. Congregations are encouraged to schedule an AIDS Awareness Day and to find a way to support an AIDS ministry focusing on areas of education, prevention and ministering to caregivers, orphans and those living with HIV.
Prayer Watch
The Moravian Church has experienced spiritual renewal and strength through a covenant of prayer. In 1727, the church in Herrnhut, Germany, covenanted for an “Hourly Intercession” which continued for one hundred years with a great blessing to the entire Moravian Church. The Unity Prayer Watch established in 1957 (the quincentenary of the Unitas Fratrum) has continued to bless us. The 1988 Unity Synod affirmed the importance of this experience for the worldwide Moravian Church.
Under the schedule adopted by the 2016 Unity Synod, December 1-21 is assigned to the Northern Province and January 1- 18 to the Southern Province. Each Provincial Board will supply assignment of specific dates to individual congregations, with suggestions for prayer topics.
Northern Province
Moravian Women’s Sunday, November 3, 2019
The first Sunday in November has been designated to especially recognize the work of the Moravian Women in local congregations throughout the Northern Province. Some congregations may choose a different Sunday for this observance if there are conflicts in scheduling.
Prayer Day for Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary
November 24, 2019
On Sunday, November 24, congregations of the Northern Province are asked to remember in prayer all who share in the important work of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary. Let us pray for the administration, the faculty, and the students.
Released for Other Service
Sister Eileen Edwards has accepted a call to be Released for Other Service to the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Sister Edwards began her new work August 19, 2019.
Victoria, Minnesota
Brother Richard Newswanger, a pastor with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has accepted an appointment to serve as pastor for Lake Auburn Moravian Church, Victoria, Minnesota. Br. Newswanger was installed into his new work October 13, 2019.
Elizabeth D. Miller
Provincial Elders’ Conference