Third Sunday after the Epiphany
We are surprised by the immediacy of the disciples’ response to Jesus’ call, “Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people.” The first disciples’ sudden drop-and-follow movement shows us that they were as hungry for Jesus’ “Come, follow me” as the people for whom they fished.
By answering this call, the disciples became leaders. Effective leaders share a message, inspire and motivate, serve as role models, and empower others toward a common goal. The disciples led others to Jesus by sharing the message of love and forgiveness, by serving as role models, and by empowering others to become leaders and fishers for people.
We easily excuse ourselves from fishing for people because we think we need so much more to be up to the task: more knowledge of the Bible, a better grasp of Moravian history and theology, a whizbang committee of fishing experts, and a huge tackle box of fishing supplies. But God, through Jesus, has already equipped us with everything we need to fish for people.
We can have confidence as fishers for people because, in Jesus, God gives us all the resources we need. In fact, we have the same essential resource that the disciples had: Jesus himself. Now is the time. Our world hungers for this message! Share the love Jesus has shown you. Tell others how you were changed by his love, grace, and forgiveness. Cast the net of Jesus into the waters of people. You already have all you need. You have Jesus!
Tony Hayworth, pastor, First Moravian Church,
Greensboro, North Carolina