December 13, 2020: Testify!

He himself was not the light,

but he came to testify to the light.  John 1:8

Some are hungry and will not have food;

some are ill and will not get care;

some face violence and will not locate safety;

some are torn by demons and will not find release;

some have been isolated and will not regain connection;

some are refugees and will not receive welcome;

some are oppressed and will not attain justice;

and I am not the Light.

So many are victimized, terrorized, brutalized, marginalized;

overwhelmed, harassed, besieged, plagued;

so many are told, convinced, accused that something is wrong

with them

and we are not their Light.


The needs are great and unending and encompass the world;

And we are not the Light.

And John is not here but we are:



With voice and belief, with actions and determination,

with hands and feet, with tears and embrace,

with community, with the Spirit.

We are not the Light; but we testify to the Light.


Andy Meckstroth, Moravian pastor serving Ziegels Lutheran Church

 Breinigsville, Pennsylvania