Sharing ideas for Healthier Congregations

stewardship cartoon

Looking to build a healthier congregation?  For the past six years, the Healthier Moravian Congregations Task Force has assembled and stored resources corresponding to the Northern Province’s six healthier congregation characteristics: Purpose, Community, Worship, Stewardship, Spiritual Formation, Mission and Service. As part of this effort, they also developed a goal-setting board retreat to help congregational leadership discern and prioritize these characteristics.

To better share these resources, Task Force Member Amy Linville of Edmonton recently redesigned the Healthier Congregation  website, The updated site features easy to use tags that gather together all resources relating to particular topics—discipleship, leadership, resources for kids, etc.

The task force also knows that people are finding and using other resources that are helping them grow in their spiritual lives and communities. In an effort to represent the wide range of resources being used,  the task force is asking for people to share what they are reading, watching and using to grow in faith and practice.

To that end, Amy included a very simple “Share With Us” link that allows people from commissions, boards and congregations to share information about books, podcasts, websites, and more, that they find valuable. 

In the near future, the Healthier Congregations website will share ‘Staff Picks’…with all Moravians as their staff!  

We cannot stress this enough: PLEASE HELP US HELP YOU!  The more resources you generate, the more resources we can share. 

To learn more, visit today! 

From the Northern Province Healthier Moravian  Congregations Task Force. Illustration by Andrew David Cox.