Sixty-five years ago, on May 1, 1956, the Moravian Music Foundation was chartered as a nonprofit corporation in the state of North Carolina. Since that time, we’ve moved our office and Southern Province collections twice (from the basement of the archives building to 20 Cascade Avenue in 1963, and from Cascade Avenue to the Archie Davis Center in 2001); we’ve moved the Northern Province collections once (to the new archives building in 1978).
We’ve created a state-of-the-art card catalog (1960s-70s), microfilmed the entire collection (1990s), built a state-of-the-art archival facility with the Southern Province Archives and the Salem Congregation (2001), produced nearly countless published editions and recordings, and are nearing completion of a state-of-the-art online catalog. We’ve participated in 22 Moravian Music Festivals (the first three were held before our incorporation, and the 26th is coming this summer), helped with uncountable concerts, been of assistance to so many church musicians and choirs …
Our 65th anniversary coincides with Moravian Music Sunday, May 2, so we’re going to celebrate by inviting you to give a special gift to the Foundation before or during that weekend. There will be drawings for special gifts for donors, and an opportunity to receive your very own Moravian Music Foundation socks!
Please visit the Foundation’s website,, for more information. There will be chances for friendly competitions between musical groups and congregations – we’d be happy to help you start one. If you’re not getting the Foundation’s monthly email newsletters, please let us know, because there will be special announcements and messages – and short musical serenades – starting shortly after Easter.
Our goal? Raise money to help support the Foundation’s future in our mission and service – preserving, sharing, and celebrating Moravian musical culture – for at least the next 65 years!
Visit the Moravian Music Foundation’s Sapphire Serenade website: