Seventh Sunday of Easter
Christ-like Sharing
One of the things I appreciate most deeply about Jesus in his ministry is that while he was truly divine, he was also at times very relatable to us in his humanity. There are moments where it is clear that Jesus knows and is experiencing the pains and challenges of this world. He understands joys and sorrows, because he feels them too.
In this passage, which comes just before Jesus is arrested, he is praying for his disciples, his friends, knowing that soon they will be in the world without his guidance, leadership, and companionship. He knows that the path before them will be challenging and that relapse back to their lives before him is a real possibility. You can hear that he cares deeply about them as he asks God to protect them. His relationship with them perhaps is one of the things that helps Jesus take this next step toward the cross, having that deep love for his friends.
As we sit with this passage, it is important for us to consider, Who in our life do we feel a similar affection for? Maybe it is your children, your partner, your parents, your siblings, your friends, your neighbor. Whoever it is, when was the last time you expressed that affection to them? When was the last time you prayed for them? It is all too easy to walk through life thinking that those we love most just know how we feel and think. We don’t often take the time to say it or share it. I encourage you today to share with them the Christ-like love you have for them.
Greg Behrend, pastor, Our Savior’s Moravian Church
Altura, Minnesota