May 9, 2021: “Abide in My Love”

pink flowers

Sixth Sunday of Easter

“Abide in My Love”

The Scripture for today, Mother’s Day, could not be more appropriate, as Jesus shares how to really show in action the #1 commandment. My sister always reminded me, “Don’t tell me you love me, show me how much you love me.”

This made me think, “How do I show love?” The more I think about it, the more I realize that to abide in God’s love is to actually show love. Showing love is by sharing what we have without second guessing about it. We give from our heart, not expecting anything in return.

At the ministry of Iglesia Esperanza we have been able to experience this same outpouring of love from our brothers and sisters in the Moravian churches in Bethlehem and the Lehigh Valley. They have showed us what it is to abide in God’s love. We have seen and experienced this love. One example has been through the ministry to the children on the South Side of Bethlehem. We have asked these churches to help with getting a few items to put in a bag for the weekend, so that our kids can have something to snack on while at home. We got such response that we could put together about 50 bags of snack every weekend. Each bag consists of cup of noodles, mac and cheese, cheese stick, granola bars, cereal, chips and a juice box. What a great outpouring of love this is!

We know that the kids are going hungry on the weekend. God is so good that we did not need to call the people twice. I realized that this is what my sister was trying to tell me for so long: Show love! My husband would say, “walk the talk!”


Rhonda Robinson, copastor, Esperanza for Bethlehem
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania