Northern Province
Outdoor Ministries Sunday, June 19, 2022
The 1994 Synod of the Moravian Church–Northern Province passed legislation regarding the observance of an Outdoor Ministries Sunday. The date for this observance has been established by the Provincial Elders’ Conference as the Sunday after Trinity Sunday, which falls on June 10 this year. Pastors are encouraged to use either of the liturgies provided in 1996 or 1997. The liturgies are available in the “Documents” section of the Northern Province website.
Specialized Ministry
Brother Ian Edwards, who had been serving the Eastern District under appointment, accepted a six-month appointment from the Provincial Elders’ Conference to serve as full-time Remote Pastoral Leader. This is a new, temporary position offered as an experiment to serve the worship and pastoral needs of congregations across the Province that are without a settled pastor. Br. Edwards began this appointment on April 15, 2022, and is developing a process and plan to provide worship leadership and limited pastoral care to three selected congregations. In addition, he is working with the District and PEC presidents to assess the future sustainability of such a provincial ministry.
Great Kills, New York
Sr. Blondel Jones-Grant will be installed as a Licensed Lay Pastor at the Great Kills Moravian Church on Staten Island, NY on Sunday, May 29, 2022, during the 11 am worship service. Sr. Blondel is a member of the United Moravian Church in Harlem, NY. She has completed the Crossroads Program at Moravian Theological Seminary and a thorough credentialing process. Please be in prayer for Blondel, her family, and the congregation in this new chapter of their ministry together.
Millwoods, Alberta
Br. Aaron Linville, pastor of the Millwoods Moravian Community Church in Edmonton, Alberta, will be consecrated a Presbyter of the Moravian Church at Millwoods on Sunday, September 11, 2022, at 2 pm MT, with Br. Sam Gray as consecrating bishop. Aaron was ordained on October 12, 2014, in the Southern Province. Consecration is the second order of ministry in the Moravian Church. All are invited to join in this celebration of the church and affirmation of Aaron’s ministry. The service will be livestreamed; check the congregation’s webpage: for more information closer to the time of the service. Please keep Aaron, his spouse Amy, their loved ones, and the Millwoods congregation in your prayers.
Davenport, North Dakota
Brother Eric Renner accepted a .45-time call to serve as pastor of Canaan Moravian Church in Davenport, North Dakota. His ministry at Hawley United Methodist Church concludes on June 12, and his new ministry begins on June 27, 2022. His installation service will be on July 10, 2022. Br. Renner will continue his ministry at Shepherd of the Prairie in Fargo, North Dakota.
Elizabeth D. Miller
Provincial Elders’ Conference
Southern Province
Presbyterial Consecrations
The Rev. Dr. Heather Hartung Vacek, under call to the Southern Province and serving as Vice-President and Dean of Moravian Theological Seminary and Lancaster Theological Seminary, was consecrated a Presbyter on Sunday, April 24, at 3 pm in the Saal of Moravian Theological Seminary with Bishop M. Blair Couch as consecrating bishop. Heather was ordained a Deacon on July 15, 2012.
Sister Cheryl G. Cottingham requested and was given permission to retire from active ministry of the Moravian Church effective May 20, 2022. Sister Cottingham was ordained a deacon in the Moravian Church on April 18, 2010 and consecrated a presbyter November 15, 2015. Prior to entering the ministry sister Cottingham served as a director of Christian Education for 12 years. After her ordination Cheryl served the congregation of Immanuel New Eden located in Winston-Salem, NC until her retirement. We express deep appreciation to Cheryl for her faithful and dedicated service to the Moravian Church and wish her many blessings in retirement.
Hope Moravian Church
Sister Margaret Norris has accepted a call to become pastor of Hope Moravian Church in Winston-Salem, N.C. She will conclude her ministry at Home Moravian Church as director of Christian Education, where she has served in that role since 2014, on June 5, 2022. Plans are underway for her ordination service later in June. She will be installed as pastor of Hope Moravian on July 10th during morning worship. Please keep Margaret, her family and the Home and Hope congregations in prayer through this transition period.
Chris Thore
Provincial Elders’ Conference