Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
We Are Not Like This Widow
In this parable Jesus was encouraging his disciples to pray. If we do not pray, we will give up! To “give up” describes a believer who loses heart and gets so discouraged that they want to quit. The world we live in affects our spiritual lives. When we pray, God keeps us from giving up. What does it mean to “always pray”? It means that prayer should be a regular habit of our lives. It means constant fellowship with God, sharing our concerns with God and praying for God’s will to be done in our lives.
Jesus did not say that God’s people are like this widow. He said just the opposite. Because we are not like her, we should be encouraged in our prayers. Jesus said, in effect, “If a poor widow got what she deserved from a selfish judge, how much more will God’s children receive that is right from their loving heavenly Father!”
First, the woman was a stranger, but we are God’s children, and God cares for his children. Second, the widow had no access to the judge, but God’s children have access into God’s presence and may come at any time to get the help they need.
Third, the woman had no friend at court to help her. All she could do was shout at the judge until he heard her. When Christians pray, we have a friend in heaven, a Savior who constantly represents us before the throne of God.
Finally, the widow came to a court of law, but God’s children come to a throne of grace. God is not like this judge, for God is a loving Father, who is concerned about our needs, who hears all our prayers, and who is ready to answer when we pray. Have faith in God! Pray!
James Demby, pastor, Pine Chapel Moravian Church
Winston-Salem, North Carolina