Second Sunday of Easter
Broken and Wounded
The world is full of broken and wounded souls. We often seek to protect our hearts so that we are not overcome by the pain around us, but if we are truly to become more like Jesus, then we must open our eyes and hearts to all that is broken and wounded in our world.
In this passage, Jesus demonstrates incredible vulnerability and opens himself physically and metaphorically to offer peace, comfort, and hope. In this wounded and broken moment of vulnerability, someone finally recognizes him, not just as a good teacher or the Anointed One (Christ) from God, but as God’s own self in the flesh.
The world, and we ourselves, are broken and wounded. When we open our hearts to see it, we see our God in the wounds around and within us. When we enter those vulnerable moments and spaces, when we stare into the abyss with a friend, or when we cry over the brokenness of our world, we see our God displayed before us and saying, “Peace be with you. Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side.”
This is an invitation to reach out to touch and heal all that is broken and wounded around and within. May we reach out in belief and faith, proclaiming, “My Lord and my God!” as we extend and create peace in the name of the One who is peace.
Aaron Linville, pastor
Millwoods Community Church
Edmonton, Alberta