Moravian Disaster Response Update: Tropical Storm Sara and Hurricane Helene

The Board of World Mission continues to coordinate emergency funding and mission teams seeking to assist residents impacted by severe flooding caused by the remnants of Hurricane Helene. The BWM is cooperating with Laurel Ridge, the Moravian Camp and Conference Center located in Western North Carolina, to house and feed those interested in assisting with the rebuilding efforts. If you are interested in participating, we encourage you to fill out a volunteer data form at If you have any questions, please contact Butch Sawtelle at [email protected].

The BWM is also aware of the flooding in Honduras caused by Hurricane Sara, which stalled just to the north of the country and caused extended heavy rains. The photos you see here were taken in La Moskitia during the early stages of the storm. Many airports are closed, and roads are impassable, making life very difficult for those who live there. We will be sending aid shortly as the needs become more defined.

100% of the donations received for our MDR Fund go to providing relief for these disasters. You can assist us with our disaster response efforts at Please designate your gift to “MDR” to ensure that funds can be directed to the disaster relief efforts where there is the greatest need. Please make checks payable to “Board of World Mission” and send to:

U.S. Donors: Board of World Mission, 1021 Center Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018

Canadian Donors*: Moravian Church in Canada, 600 Acadia Drive SE, Calgary, AB T2J 0B8. Interac e-Transfer donations may be sent to [email protected]. Include your name and address in the comments section of the transfer to receive tax receipts.

*Please note that for Canadian and other non-U.S.-based donors, the BWM is not able to provide an acknowledgment letter for tax purposes outside of the U.S. While donations from outside the U.S. can be made via our secure giving platform, they are not able to be acknowledged with a tax receipt.

Stay up-to-date with Moravian Disaster Response efforts at