Supporting justice with Churches for Middle East Peace

The Moravian Church in America, Northern and Southern Provinces, became a joint member of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP), in 2006 through resolutions passed at both Provincial Synods that year—the 125th Anniversary of Moravian ministry and mission work in Palestine and its ongoing operation of the Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center in Ramallah (in the West Bank.)

This relationship with CMEP was a way of staying informed of developments in the Middle East and obtaining knowledgeable and timely information for education and advocacy to provide to congregations and members, including through CMEP Board representation.  The Rev. Dr. Robert E. Sawyer served a long tenure as the first Moravian Church representative on the CMEP Board of Directors. He was followed by The Rev. Rick Sides who served in this role through January 2022.

A teacher works with a student at the Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center in Ramallah on the West Bank.

CMEP has worked since its founding in 1984 “…to promote just, lasting and comprehensive resolutions to conflicts in the Middle East, and to mobilize U.S. Christians to embrace a holistic perspective and be advocates of equality, human rights, security and justice for Israelis, Palestinians, and all people of the Middle East.” The approach CMEP uses for this work is threefold: Educate. Elevate. Advocate. []

The Synod of the Moravian Church Northern Province in June 2023 expressed its deep concern for the recent escalation of tensions in the Middle East, and called upon congregations “to pray for, and through education and action, advocate for, a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace in the Middle East; for equality, human rights, security, and justice for all people; for the safety and well-being of those at Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center; and for the work of CMEP.” 

Following the horrific attack on Israelis and the taking of hostages by Hamas on October 7, 2023, the devastating, ongoing war in Gaza, and violence and seizing of persons and property in the West Bank, with their unimaginable death toll, injuries, suffering, famine, and destruction, CMEP has engaged in broad advocacy efforts, issued statements and press releases,  provided daily updates, weekly prayer gatherings, informative webinars, educational resources, and advocacy opportunities.

There is an extensive list of webinars, movies, and books for individual or group study available at In addition, congregations may host a speaking event, organize a Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage, arrange a trip to the Holy Land, or mobilize for advocacy.  Congregations may also join CMEP as a Church Partner. For resources and opportunities, or more information, visit or contact The Rev. Sue Koenig, [email protected], current representative to the CMEP Board.

The Rev. Sue Koenig serves as director of racial justice and healing for the Northern Province. She was part of a CMEP Executive Leaders Delegation to Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and the West Bank in January 2024. See her report, “Views from the Holy Land,” at To learn more about Star Mountain Rehabilitation Center, visit or