What is The CCD Spotlight Blog?
This site is a friendly place to have conversations about how, as Christian Moravians, to live in faith, love, and hope. Here, our goal is to explore how to better reflect our faith in today’s world, both as individuals and as a part of our congregational families.
The blog, published and coordinated by the Commission on Congregational Development (CCD), is almost entirely led by a wonderful community of volunteer writers. A number of these writers may have not even met each other. But together, we share the identity of recognizing that our Lamb has conquered and that we shall follow him.
How do I write for the blog?
Participating in the Rotation
We have a rotation system. Towards the end of the current rotation, the Moravian CCD will solicit writers to fill the next rotation. The rotation includes several deadlines and writers claim their preferred deadline on a first-come-first-serve basis. This allows us to “rotate” writing responsibilities across several people, so the same person doesn’t have to write twice in a short period of time.
To be included in the next rotation, email [email protected]
Submitting Outside of the Rotation
Already have a blog written? Or want to write something time-sensitive? We’ll accept unsolicited submissions outside of the current rotation and consider publishing them if time allows.
Whether submitting inside the rotation or outside of it, all blogs are subject to the requirements below.
Blog requirements:
Length and topics:
- 500 to 1000 words (a little under is fine, please try not to go over by too much)
- Topics must be relevant to and serve the mission/beliefs of the Moravian Church:
- The Commission on Congregational Development engages and supports congregations and RCCs in their ministries as together we grow in faith, love, and hope, following Jesus in serving the world.
- Writers are expected to respect the Moravian Covenant for Christian Living.
Visual content:
- Please include 1-3 photos of your own with appropriate credit(s) and permission(s) if needed, or we can find appropriate images for you
- If you would like to select your own images, please use a Creative Commons website like Pexels.com or Unsplash.com.
Writer bio:
- 30 to 70 words, written in the third person, with position listed first (example: Rebecca Craver is the Executive Director of…)
Writer photo:
- Photo of the writer with appropriate credit(s) and permission(s) if needed
Writer contact info (optional):
- Email and public office phone number
By committing to writing for us, you agree to the following (please read):
You’re allowing us to post your finished content on/in any of our publications, sites, social media etc.
- We will always ask you beforehand if we want to publish in a publication or item we may sell.
- We will refer external requests to republish your content to you, the writer.
- You agree to let us list your first and last name or your preferred author name in the rotation sign up.
- You agree to let us list your first and last name or your preferred author name in your author bio and byline and in any references to your piece after it is published.
Non-CCD staff:
- Writing for The CCD Spotlight Blog is on a volunteer basis and unfortunately, we cannot pay you.
Both volunteer and CCD staff writers retain the copyright of their written material.
- We just ask that you allow us to publish first, but after that, you may publish your work elsewhere as you see fit!
- It is not necessary to say your work originally appeared in The CCD Spotlight Blog, or to link back to the blog or the CCD when republishing your work, but it is appreciated!
The Commission on Congregational Development and its staff reserve the right to edit your blog for length, clarity, and appropriateness. The CCD also reserves the right of choosing not to publish any submitted blog post.
Submitting your finished blog:
- Please have your content to us by end of the day Wednesday of your deadline week. We try to publish the blogs that Saturday. Email your finished blog and any images you may have to [email protected]