My idea was to write about Matthias Stach and the fact that after missionary work, he came to Bethabara to run the little boys school. He was 61 when he made this career change and served until 1787. He died as the result of a fall that left him bedridden for several months. His wife, Rosina Stach, was the teacher of the little girls school. The couple took in Madelina Kapp for a time after the death of her mother. Much could be written about these lives served in the love of Christ. Little Bethabara became home to a world traveler.
Photo of Historic Bethabara. Credit to Historic Bethabara Park.
Currently, we at Bethabara Moravian Church are without an organist. Kyle Sapp is using his talents to run the organ with his laptop and worship music is provided. He is a teenager helping out where he can. In truth, he and his brothers could be at a much larger congregation, but they see the need and the opportunity to be in the service of Christ. He puts in many hours for each worship service.
My daughter is on the road with a touring show called
Christmas in Killareny. The troupe put on a show for a high school in Kansas. She referred to it as “the middle of nowhere with about 200 students.” Katie has enough life wisdom to understand that a life-long memory is a gift to these young students. She said that it reminded her of Jesus turning water into wine; using what is provided and making something better.
When Jesus turned water into wine, it was done behind the scenes. The bride and groom may have never known. He did not have to do this yet he did.
Image courtesy of Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash.
Matthais and Rosina Stack could have turned down the opportunity at Bethabara to teach. After all, they started this journey at an age when, in today’s society, many retire. Their behind the scenes work in giving a helping hand to widowed fathers is what touched my heart.
Bethabara could say we are too small. We only have 12 to 15 active members. We are without a full-time pastor and an organist. Yet we are blessed with people willing to serve the Lord with our God-given talents. Many work behind the scenes to keep the lawn mowed, church cleaned, and supplies ordered. Our Food and Clothing ministry continues to grow by serving hot meals and providing groceries and clothing on the third Saturday of each month. Much work goes into this ministry in order to serve our neighbors for two hours each month.
Just as Jesus worked behind the scenes with his first miracle, we as servants of the Living God are blessed when we work for the Kingdom behind the scenes. With the Lord’s help we can turn a nothing into a treasured blessing.
About the author
Photo provided by Jo Beth Boyles.
Jo Beth Boyles has a great appreciation for history and genealogy. She serves the Lord by playing the flute at Bethabara Moravian Church. Her husband, Robby, sings in the choir and she has two grown children, Katie and Robert.
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