Who We Are

Faith Formation Resources

The Biblical image of a potter creating a vessel out of clay is a good metaphor for thinking faith formation. We know that throughout our lifetimes, God is at work shaping us through experiences, study, reflection and practice. Faith formation is a wholistic and multi-generational work of congregations, provinces, denominations and the Church universal. At the Commission on Congregational Development offices we are working to support, encourage and engage with congregations in the area of faith formation so that you have the tools and resources you need to offer faith formation that is meaningful and relevant to your local community and congregation.

We are currently working on a hiring process for our faith formation coordinator, who will help to give direction and leadership in congregations specifically around practices of faith formation.

We can connect you to various resources for faith formation. We would love to talk with you about specific needs in your congregation on the phone, Zoom or in person at the resource center!


Here are some short cuts for some so you can find what you need quickly!

To explore our lending library from home: Click Here

To access the Password protected curriculum site: Click Here

To contact CCD with specific questions: Click Here