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The Daily Texts
The Moravian Covenant for Christian Living
In the early days of the Moravian community of Herrnhut there was a danger that the fledgling...
Start Here
Welcome to The Moravian Experience! We’re glad that you’re interested in developing...
The Ground of the Unity
The Ground of the Unity is the official doctrinal statement for the worldwide Moravian Church. The...
The Study of Scripture
“…the Bible is a gift of God, designated as a place to meet God, a place where God...
Journaling as a Daily Spiritual Practice Keeping a written record of daily activities...
Intercessory Prayer Intercessory prayer is prayer in which God prays through us for others. We...
The Easter Morning Liturgy
A Brief History Although the Sunrise Service dates back to the 1730’s at Herrnhut, the Easter...
Write Your Own Spiritual Autobiography
Moravians have traditionally kept meticulous records—of the weather, of the environment around...