Palm Sunday
Watchword for the Week — Jesus said, “I am; and ‘you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power’, and ‘coming with the clouds of heaven.’” Mark 14:62
Sunday, March 25 — Isaiah 50:4–9a; Psalm 31:9–16
Philippians 2:5–11; Mark 11:1–11
Who can proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord or fully declare his praise? Psalm 106:2 (NIV)
The great crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord—the King of Israel!” John 12:12–13
Almighty God, we celebrate your triumphant entry once again. Come anew into our hearts. Fill us with your love. May we long to shine your light to the whole world. Give us courage to seek ways to celebrate your story of love and forgiveness. Amen.