Eastern District Blog

Constant Motion

This morning I stepped out my front door to the sound of dozens of species of birds all singing their song and the smell of a recently-passed, fresh, warm spring rain all around.  Flowers that weren’t open last week were showing off their beauty in the flower bed. All around me things were showing a constant state of change. It got me thinking about how this beautiful world that God gave us is not static, and neither are we.

2 months ago, (at least in this part of the world) there was snow on the ground. Plants hadn’t come out of dormancy and the trees were bare. Birds’ voices punctuated silence instead of being the constant chorus they are this morning. Each living thing on the Earth adapts gracefully and in its own way to the changes of the seasons. They’re always improving; becoming bigger or stronger, or smarter.

In the same way, we too must not be static. Whether you are graduating high school, changing jobs, or simply trying to figure out how to be happier with what you’ve been given, now is the time to lean on God to help you gracefully adapt to this season of your life. He wants you to be constantly improving, just like the other living things on Earth, so don’t be afraid to let him help you through.

As we finish up our discussions on Camp and Stewardship of our world, we will start to look at Moravian history. Specifically, connecting the early European Moravians with the American (even more specifically, the Ohio) Moravian settlements. Just like nature and ourselves, the church hasn’t been static either. We are excited to have a blog series from an Ohio Moravian History expert, Seth Angel. Seth volunteers regularly at Schoenbrunn Village and speaks about local history around the area. He has won awards for his service to the local history community. We are excited to take some time to learn from him about the history of our denomination in the United States!

“There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heavens” Ecclesiastes 3:1