District Developments Easter District Blog Events Information

District Developments September 2019

Holy Graffiti!

The youth and young adults in Ohio are really making their mark – literally!  With the help of the local Moravian pastors in Tuscarawas County, these Convo bound youth have discovered a unique way to not only promote a sacred symbol of their faith, but to also raise some much needed travel money for this important youth gathering.  Weary of only doing food-based fundraisers, the youth sought a new and creative way to engage the local Moravian congregations and community at large for support toward their Convo trip.  Leaning on a symbol of their Moravian heritage, one way they could “make their mark on the community” was to make the Moravian Star more visible in an innovative and tangible way.

With a bit of creativity (aided by the always artistic spirit of Pastor John Wallace), a cardboard cut-out of a Moravian Star was constructed, and cans of spray paint purchased.  With a little practice, the youth quickly learned how to center the cardboard template on a piece of sidewalk and then spray paint the template in such a way that when you removed the template, you were left with a beautiful impression of a Moravian Star!  The local congregations were then supplied with “order forms” which granted the youth permission to come and adorn your sidewalk in exchange for a donation in support of the Convo trip.  Fifteen dollars would get you one blue or white star and Twenty dollars would get you two!

In my travels to our Ohio congregations, I have become amazed at how many of these Moravian Stars now adorn sidewalks of homes and churches all around Tuscarawas County.  Pastor Ben Lippert attests to not only the popularity of this project, but also to the fact that it offers youth a hands-on way to promote their faith and Moravian heritage.  “What I love about this mission fundraiser is that it only takes about 10-15 minutes for the painter to paint the star, but for most of that time they are striking up a conversation with another Moravian or friend of the church they have not met before. Building relationships and providing a service tend to be the best form of Moravian evangelism we can provide. The spray-painting goes hand in hand with that philosophy.”

I want to not only commend our Ohio brothers and sisters for such a creative way to support youth in their quest to attend Convo, but also for sharing so prominently a sacred symbol of our faith that reminds us that there are many ways to lead people toward the Christ-child.  Truly, not a bad way to leave your mark on the community!

If you or your congregation would like to learn more about this innovative project for your own community, please contact either the Schoenbrunn or Dover Moravian congregation.


Crossroads Fall 2019

Traditions – A look at Protestant denominations, world religions and some uniquely American cults.  Join us to explore our traditions and what other people believe.  This course is taught by the Rev. Dr. Bill Falla, Moravian College adjunct and UCC pastor.  Bill creates a great classroom environment through discussions and questions. Traditions is offered eight Mondays from 6-9 pm from September 9 until October 28, 2019.

Compass – We encourage Crossroads participants to take this course as early as possible because it creates foundations for all other courses.  Compass has a duel purpose. First, building skills like writing, presenting, and research.  Second, helping participants to explore and hone their sense of call through texts, classroom projects, small group experiences and discussions.  Co-taught by Linda Wisser, Crossroads grad and current MDiv student and Dr. Jill Peters, who directs Crossroads.  Compass will be offered Thursdays, 6-9 pm for eight nights from September 5 until October 24, 2019.

Crossroads Late Fall 2019

Road Hazards – A course in Congregational Ethics that explores issues facing the church today such as power and control, boundaries, decision making, child protection, and financial matters through the lens of traditional ethical language.  If you are a leader in your church, this is the course for you.  Participant projects focus on contemporary ethical issues and how to present them within a congregational setting. Starting October 31, Road Hazards is Mondays and Thursdays, 6-9 pm until November 25.  The exact schedule is on our website.


Online registration, textbooks and 2019/2020 course schedules are on our website at www.moravianseminary.edu/crossroads.  Or you can contact Jill Peters at [email protected] for more information or with questions.

2020 Courses

Winter: My Journey (Formative Spirituality) and Old Testament

Spring: Contextual Outreach (Connecting with our community) and New Testament


Did you volunteer your time for mission this summer? Are you interested to hear about past and upcoming mission opportunities? In the fall of each year many congregations set aside a particular Sunday to lift up the work and ministry of the Board of World Mission. As a matter of fact, October 14, 2019 is designated as a Day of Prayer for the Board of World Mission in both the Northern and Southern Provinces. We would love any opportunity to learn about mission work you have done and/or assist you in providing your congregation with information about the Board of World Mission. You might even consider a face-to-face encounter with a BWM staff or board member. So please know that we are ready and willing to come visit your congregation, hear your stories, speak about our work, or lead mission discernment workshops, etc.

Please contact us at either of our offices:
610-868-1732 in Bethlehem, PA, or 336-773-1732 in Winston-Salem, NC.  You may also contact us by email:

[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected], or [email protected].



Have you registered for this FREE Moravian Stewardship Conference?

Your Moravian Ministries Foundation invites you to Celebrate Stewardship at our upcoming daylong stewardship conferences this fall. Participants will:

  • explore the popular “3 T’s” of stewardship (time, talent, treasure) and discover a 4th “T”
  • examine what a “stewardship church” looks like
  • learn how to weave planned giving into the church’s stewardship ministry

There’s no cost to attend and lunch will be provided.

When: Friday, October 4 or Saturday, October 5, 9 am until 4 pm

Where: East Hills Moravian Church, Bethlehem

Who: pastors, stewardship leaders, elders, trustees, anyone who is passionate about stewardship!

Click here to register today.

Please contact Laura Watson, Director of Stewardship Services, for more information or if you have any questions ([email protected]; 336-725-2589). We look forward to the chance to Celebrate Stewardship with you!

Moravian Women Northern Province

Invites you to its 65th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service and Banquet

Saturday September 28th, 2019 at 10:00 am, Central Moravian Church, Bethlehem, PA 18018

Contribution $25.00  Registration Deadline: September 13, 2019

To Register Contact[email protected]



 Quilt Camp October 2-5, 2019

 Women’s retreat: Quilters and non-quilters alike are welcome. Join in the camp quilt or bring your own project and share in community, prayer and conversation with other women from around the District. Leader: Rev. Lois Bly Mease.


Fall Festival Saturday, October 5, 2019

Join others for a wonderful day at camp, featuring fabulous fall food, pumpkins, apples and leaves highlighted in crafts and games, and Harry’s Hayrides. Come vote for the best Moravian Sugar Cake at the Sugar Cake Bake-Off! $15 per person age 12 and older; $5 per person under age 12.  Advance reservations suggested; tickets also available on the date. Contact Hope Conference Center for tickets at 908 459-4435 or [email protected]

Be The Church Workshop Schedule & Sites:

Staten Island held at Castleton Hill on 9/7/19.  Metro NYC held at John Hus on 9/14/19.

Questions? Call or email: Marie Couts- [email protected] Cell: 330.401.1212

Free 2019 Daily Texts available

 As we prepare for the arrival of the 2020 Moravian Daily Texts in late October/early November, we would like to offer our remaining 2019 editions to congregations and agencies for use in their ministries free of charge. Daily Texts are perfect for outreach, new member introductions, study classes and community events. We have a limited supply of 2019 large print, journal, hardcover and paperback editions available; all we ask is that you either pick up at the Church Center in Bethlehem or pay for shipping to your location. To obtain these free editions, please contact Jill Bruckart at [email protected], or call 1.800.732.0591, ext. 38.

And if you haven’t already, be sure to pre-order your 2020 Moravian Daily Texts! Visit https://store.moravian.org or contact Jill for details.

Pre-order your 2020 Moravian Church Desk Calendar & Plan Book. The annual Moravian Church Desk Calendar & Plan Book provides a convenient, useful planning tool for Moravians. Each edition features a large-block format, 19-month calendar with plenty of space to write meetings, appointments, services and other planning information. It also includes upcoming events, holidays, prayer days and lectionary Sunday readings specific to the Moravian Church in North America, along with Provincial and Interprovincial directory information and space for important contacts. The new edition covers October 2019-April 2021. Spiral bound, 8.5×11. Calendars are expected in stock by end of September. To place your order, call the store at 1-800-732-0591, ext. 38 or visit our online store at https://store.moravian.org.