Congregational Spotlight
Community Outreach Ministry
Vanderbilt Avenue
Moravian Church
We give thanks to God for His Blessings and the opportunity to provide the Community with a hot meal each month. Over the past year, we were able to provide about one thousand (1,000) hot meals to the community, in-spite of the limitations that the lingering Covid effects has placed on us.
The Central Elders of the United Brethren Church (UBC) increased the grant for the joint mission of the four (4) churches, which allowed us to cater the meals (dessert and drinks were not included) for the year.
In September we collaborated with Roza Productions and the Black Health Organization to sponsor an Afro Caribbean Culture Festival and Health Fair on the Church Grounds of Vanderbilt. This affair was well attended with over 100 persons in attendance, and everyone was able to enjoy a hot meal.
We thank the faithful and dedicated members of Vanderbilt, most of whom have been doing this for over thirteen years. These persons are available every month to setup, package and distribute the meals. Also, the Thanksgiving and Christmas meals were prepared by our Vanderbilt team, for which we give God thanks.
All four churches were involved in the preparation of these meals. Sister Karen Reid from John Hus Moravian Church have prepared and cooked the turkeys for our special Thanksgiving meal for several years.
We were also able to collect and distribute gifts of mittens, scarfs, socks, and toys to all who are in need. We have been blessed by the Lord, our church, and the community for these local ministries. Standing on the shoulders of past leaders and organizers, we bless God for His faithfulness.
We are also thankful to God for the support of our sister churches –New Dorp, Great Kills and Castleton Hill Moravian Churches, Sister Karen and Tory Reid from John Hus and from Vanderbilt, Brother Ian Moe and Sister Ivy Mills for their financial support.
Brother Fritz Pierre-Louis for setting up and transporting the heavy items, Pastor Wellesley Ferguson, Tory Reid, Dawne Benjamin, Ivy Mills, Louise Walters, Jennifer Harris-Berkeley, Yvonne DaCosta, Rosemarie Leichter, Elsie Warner, Desiree Telford, and Judi Jacobs-Sapp.
By God’s Grace, we look forward to the continuation of this Outreach Ministry with the support of our sister churches, our members, friends, acquaintances, and well-wishers we are indeed truly grateful to God for His faithfulness towards this needed ministry within our community.
Thanks to Naomi Solomon (NY regional rep. of the EDEB and member of the Vanderbilt Ave. congregation) for providing this article.
The Board of World Mission Announces Partnership
with the Moravian Church in Northern Tanzania
In March, the Board of World Mission and the Moravian Church in Northern Tanzania (MCNT) signed a covenant signifying the beginning of a new partnership between the BWM and the MCNT Provincial Board. This covenant signing took place over Zoom and was a joyful occasion, with representatives of the MCNT Provincial Board, North American Provincial Elders’ Conferences, and Board of World Mission present. Through this partnership, we will work together to support and affirm building a Christian witness in each of our contexts. We hope to do this through collaboration, consultation, prayer, and information sharing.
Much of the preparation for this new covenant was completed during an in-person visit in November of 2022 to Arusha, Tanzania, located near Mt. Kilimanjaro. Justin Rabbach, Executive Director of the BWM, and the Rt. Rev. Chris Giesler, Director of Mission Engagement, met with the MCNT Provincial Board, under the leadership of its president, the Rev. Isaac G. Siame.
As of 2021, MCNT had 26 congregations, 8 outstations, 34 ordained ministers, and a total membership of 5,482. They hope to elect their first bishop at their provincial synod in November of 2023. The BWM looks forward to many years of partnership that will bring God’s grace and peace to the world.
Time to talk about grants
By Laura Watson
Is God calling your community of faith to serve in a new way? Does your ministry need extra funding to make a difference in the world?
Your Moravian Ministries Foundation is excited to begin the 2023 grant cycle on May 15. These field of interest funds will be accepting applications:
- Hunger & Thirst Field of Interest: Grants address food and/or water insecurity.
- Housing & Shelter Field of Interest: For those providing safety, shelter, and housing to the vulnerable and unhoused.
- Healing & Health Field of Interest: For those ministering to the ill or promoting health/wellness.
- Prison Ministry Field of Interest: For ministry to the imprisoned and their families.
- Clothing Field of Interest: For ministries that provide clothing to those in need.
- Environmental Stewardship Field of Interest: For those looking to protect and restore God’s creation.
- Racial Awareness, Equity, & Reconciliation Field of Interest: For those who wish to promote racial awareness, racial equity, and racial reconciliation through advocacy, training, and ministry. Visit our website to learn more about each fund, to read about past grant recipients, and for details on how to apply.
IBOC May Highlights
Kay Ward Complete Bundle: Purchase Bishop Kay Ward’s Park Benches, her latest book of stories and reflections, and receive her other 3 books for free! Bundle includes Park Benches, Of Seasons and Sparrows, Heading Home and Hoping for Spring. $12.95 for all 4 books. Bulk purchase discount for churches and women’s groups: buy 5 or more sets for $10 each. Contact [email protected] to place your church or group order.
To purchase, go to
Camp Hope