The Very Good Gospel: How everything wrong can be made right
by Lisa Sharon Harper
“Shalom is what God declared. Shalom is what the Kingdom of God looks like.
Shalom is when all people have enough.
It’s when families are healed.
It’s when churches, schools, and public policies protect human dignity.
Shalom is when the image of God is recognized, protected and cultivated in every single human.
Shalom is our calling as followers of Jesus’s gospel. It is the vision God set forth in the Garden and the restoration God desires for every broken relationship.
Shalom is what our souls long for.
Shalom is the “very good” in the gospel.
What can we do to build shalom between nations, in our communities, and in our own lives? Through a careful exploration of biblical text, particularly the first three chapters of Genesis, in The Very Good Gospel Lisa Sharon Harper shows us what “very good” can look like today—in real time.
Because despite our anxious minds, despite division and threats of violence, God’s vision remains: Wholeness for a fragmented world. Peace for a hurting soul. Shalom.” (reposted from