It is with immense gratitude for the more than 30 years of faithful service to God’s mission through her work as the Administrative Assistant for the Southern Province Mission Society and Board of World Mission (BWM), that we announce sister Sheila Beaman retires today, September 1, 2020.
Sheila began her work with the Board of World Mission in the fall of 1989, and was a stalwart presence in the Mission Office in Old Salem since that time. She was the on the front lines welcoming Moravians and other mission related visitors to Winston-Salem, NC. She was a welcome site for all visitors, as Sheila did an excellent job as host, finding wonderful food and accommodations to all she cared for.
We welcome folks reaching out to Sheila to thank her for her many years of dedicated work and faithful service. She has done so much to inspire others to listen to the call to mission work, at home and around the world.
Well done, good and faithful servant!
Board of World Mission