THE PERU MORAVIAN MISSION AREA was formally organized in 2012 and held its first National Conference in 2015. In 2019, the second National Conference was planned by the Mission Area Board (elected at the first National Conference) and fraternal delegates from the Board of World Mission and the Northern Province were invited to attend. The conference took place in Chiclayo, Peru.
There were delegates from the original four con-gregations (two in Lima and two in Chiclayo). We also joyfully welcomed delegates from a newly incorporated congregation, Zaña; four delegates from the newly organized Amazon District; and representatives from outreach ministries in Chiclayo and Lima.
Each morning began with devotions followed by a workshop or training for the pastors and delegates in attendance. Throughout the day, plenary sessions were held in which reports from the congregations and ministries were presented. A highlight of these reports was when one of the delegates from the Amazon District spoke (in Aguaruna, with Spanish translation) on the work of the Moravian Church in villages on the Marañon River. There were also reports on the present state of the projects supported by BWM Mission Grants.
Each evening, the Conference delegates took part in joyful worship services that were open to the general public. During one of those worship services, there was a graduation ceremony for students who completed their theological studies through the online program of Dunamis International Ministries, founded and conducted by the outgoing president of the Peru Mission Area, the Rev. Christopher Valencia.
The closing worship time served as the installation service for the newly elected Mission Area Board. Brother Joaquín Muro was elected president of the Mission Area. In his acceptance remarks, he emphasized his commitment to the outreach work in the Amazon District. That commitment was reinforced when, on the day after the conference, he traveled to the Amazon with BWM and Northern Province representatives… and decided to stay for a whole week!