PSALM 30:11 SAYS, “You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.”
Throughout 2019, many of us continued to mourn the passing of our dear brother, the Rev. Mohamed Braima. God used Brother Braima and Sister Safiatu Braima in wonderful ways to plant, nurture and cultivate the Sierra Leone Moravian Mission Area. Sister Safie was accompanied in her grief by countless souls touched by Brother Mohamed’s ministry, and she courageously continues to carry out the work that she and her husband had begun.
At the First National Conference of the Sierra Leone Mission Area, “mourning” was literally turned into “dancing.” When the first official board (called the Sierra Leone Mission Area Steering Committee) was elected, all of the conference delegates jumped up and began singing… and dancing! This was a recognition of God’s faithfulness to all generations, or, as Brother Mohamed often reminded everyone, “God is good… all the time!”
Five delegates from each of the five Moravian congregations, two delegates from the Moravian Secondary School, and Provincial acolyte, Sister Safie Braima, were joined by fraternal delegates from the Board of World Mission, the Sierra Leone Mission Committee, the Southern Province, and the World- wide Unity. The fraternal delegates helped the Sierra Leone Moravians understand and appreciate the global context of the church in Sierra Leone.
Each of the five congregations reported on the present state of their ministries. The principal of the Moravian Secondary School spoke of the “good problems” that the institution is facing because of increased enrollment (now more than 500 students) and the challenge of maintaining “quality” as well as “quantity.” Sister Safie summarized the story of God’s faithfulness in the past and looked forward to how God will continue to work in new ways (and through more people) in the future.
Much discussion took place concerning issues related to the ongoing development of the Mission Area. The election of the Steering Committee was the high point of the Conference
as the delegates rejoiced (in song and dance!) to see God’s faithfulness in continuing to call men and women to carry out the work that God began in them.