Will you consider a $20 gift to support the BWM today? Gifts made to our general fund will help support our whole ministry as we help meet the needs of people and communities, and offer Mission Grants to make their project ideas come to life.
The Board of World Mission Watchword for 2020
John 16:24 – “Ask and you shall receive, so your joy may be complete.”
When this watchword was drawn for us at the end of 2019, we had no way of knowing what 2020 had in store for all of us, and how the meaning of this verse would change a bit for the Board of World Mission (BWM).
As COVID began to spread around the globe earlier this year, BWM staff worked hard to remain up to date on a constantly evolving situation. With partners across hemispheres, we worked to follow the spread of the virus, as each unique situation led to its own set of stay at home orders, travel restrictions, and, of course, dire health situations.
The BWM looked to respond to as many requests as possible, providing emergency funding, and remaining in contact to assist as best we could.
Although many plans were changed, relationships have been strengthened through the increased and continual communication between the BWM and our global partners. Regular check-ins allowed for the rapid response of Moravian Disaster (MDR) funding when needed most. Funding sent to areas such as Peru and Cuba, aided local leadership to purchase food and other supplies, and distribute it as there was need in local congregations.
MDR also saw its largest single project expenditure since the Hurricane Katrina response, when the need for medical supplies and equipment in La Mosquitia, Honduras became painfully evident.
As the pandemic continues and there is no true end in sight, we need to continue to plan for the future. Our wish would be that every day would bring good weather, perfect health and safe neighborhoods. But we know better. Our world is full of unpredictability and sometimes disasters come. Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and now Pandemics, are part of the fabric of this world. The Board of World Mission is trying to remain prepared in advance for such disasters and other unplanned events by asking for your support today.
Let’s go back to our Watchword. “Ask and you shall receive, so your joy may be complete.”
So, on this “Giving Tuesday”, if we may be so bold to ask….
- We’d like to ask for your support of the BWM.
- We’d like to ask for prayers for the Moravian communities around the world continually seeking God’s leading and being guided to serve in their context.
- We’d like to ask for you to share the story of this important work and to remind others of the Joy added to the world because of the ministry of the BWM.
- We’d like to ask for continued consideration of monetary gifts to help support both our long-standing programs and new initiatives.
The work of the BWM would not be possible without the generosity of our congregations and donors. If you have not yet donated to the BWM, won’t you consider making a gift today? If you are already are a BWM donor, we are most grateful for your faithful support. If you are not a recurring donor, would you consider a gift of $20.00 per month this year? Setting up a recurring donation on our website takes just a few minutes, but will make such a difference in so many lives. As we have proven through disasters and a pandemic, we will continue to find a way for our work to continue. And this work is only possible with the generosity of our donors. Thank you and God Bless.