The Board of World Mission is thankful to Pastor Joaquín, the President of the Moravian Church in Perú, for bringing us this update on their work in the Amazon region, which is officially a District of the Moravian Church in Perú and is represented on the Mission Area board by Pastor Romero Shimbucat of the congregation in Bajo Canampa.
As of this update, about 20 Moravian congregations have recently formed in Awajún indigenous communities in the Amazon region of northeast Perú. All of these congregations are very remote and can only be visited by boat on the rivers that flow throughout the Amazon region. The Board of World Mission made it possible for the Moravian Church in Perú to purchase a “chalupa,” a specific type of boat, to be used by the congregations in this region to stay connected. The chalupa is also used to augment income by reducing the cost of transporting agricultural goods to be sold at local markets.
Bajo Canampa is the principal congregation, and is the center of operations, from which you can visit the rest of the communities. Congregations in this region include: Iglesia Morava de Canampa (principal congregation), Iglesia de Cachi, Iglesia de Chapi, Iglesia de Datunsa, Iglesia de Zazá, Iglesia de Jumincus, and more.