Hurricane Ian first made landfall in western Cuba on September 27th as a category 3 hurricane with winds of 125 miles per hour. The BWM was able to immediately send $5,000 to help with initial relief efforts. We are planning to make additional funds available to help with rebuilding efforts. We thank the Armando Rusindo Mission Foundation for their assistance in this process. Thankfully, our Moravian congregations in Florida reported minimal damage to either church facilities or members’ homes. This includes the Moravian Fellowship in Tampa. The BWM will continue to assist these congregations as they seek to provide aid to their neighbors who were more severely impacted.
Hurricane Julia made landfall in October 9th on the southeast coast of Nicaragua near Pearl Lagoon with winds of 85mph. Flooding rains and storm surge have severely impacted villages along the coast. Pastor Edgar Benneth of the Moravian Church in Pearl Lagoon reports that while they did not sustain a lot of damage there, towns such as Tasbapauni, Set Net Point, Raiti Pura, and Corn Island have. Many people have lost their homes, and farmers have lost their crops. There is a desperate need for food and clean water since wells were flooded with seawater and waste. The BWM is now seeking the best way to send funds to help with these initial needs.
Pictured below: the Moravian Church in Tasbapouni, damage in Awas and Ritupura, and the Corn Island Moravian Church Mission House.
For further information, contact the Rt. Rev. Chris Giesler at [email protected]. The best way to help is to send donations to the Moravian Disaster Response Fund. 100% of the money received in the MDR fund goes directly to these relief efforts.
US citizens can send checks to: Board of World Mission, 1021 Center St., Bethlehem, PA 18018. You may also donate online at Indicate that your gift is for “MDR.”
Canadians can send checks to Moravian Church in Canada, 600 Acadia Dr. SE, Calgary, AB T2J 0B8. Interac e-Transfer donations may be send to [email protected]. Please mark this donation as “MDR” and include your name & address to receive a tax receipt.