The first Thursday in August is the Board of World Mission’s Day of Prayer for our Moravian siblings in the Honduras Unity Province. The Rev. Angel Yoperel, Provincial Board President, (far left in picture) shared the following, “Thank you for the prayers of Moravian Unity for our province in Honduras. Thank you for supporting us in the vegetable project and for the humanitarian aid, the support of the Blessings Flow project, the water filters. May God add many blessings to you. The Unity Province is going through many difficulties due to the divisions of the churches, for this reason it is weakened in many ways, there is discouragement.
We ask our siblings to keep these requests in their prayers:
1. That there be no more divisions in the province of unity in Honduras
2.That there are no kidnappings, murders in Honduras
3. Also for the next synod in the year 2025 and for the consecration of the bishop
4. For construction of the provincial office in Honduras, construction of the Bible institute in Puerto Lempira and for the mobile Bible institute in La Ceiba
5. That there are no natural disasters and that they do not affect our projects that we fight for in the Unity Province and also so that it does not affect the plantations
6. That the two provinces continue to unite more and more and that the Mission Province and the Unity Province make retreats for now so that the two boards can meet and dialogue
7. Money is needed, food is needed, a spirit of Unity is needed
8. That the two bishops bring good advice in those days, we need that spirit, that the Unity Province lives in more love and more trust
9. For the needs of the provinces
10. For the preparation of the Daily Texts that we will soon print
Thank you very much for the prayers, may God bless you greatly.”