Engagement MDR

MDR Update: Hurricanes Milton and Helene (October 10, 2024)

The Board of World Mission coordinates the North American Moravian response to disasters around the world. We are currently monitoring the impact of Hurricanes Milton and Helene.

We have Moravian congregations in Sarasota, Tampa, and Orlando but await damage reports from these areas following Hurricane Milton, which made landfall on Wednesday, October 9th. We will provide reports when we have them.

In North Carolina, Laurel Ridge, our Moravian Camp and Conference Center, reports that they have experienced water damage in several of their camp buildings, scores of trees are down, and the dam at their summer camp lake has been compromised. They are working on getting the camp ready for mission teams to come and help both on camp grounds and with their neighbors who have suffered. At this time, funds are needed to support immediate cleanup efforts; we will share service opportunities when they are available. Hurricane Helene’s impact in this region was severe, and relief efforts will be ongoing for quite some time.

100% of the donations received for our MDR Fund go to providing relief for these disasters. You can assist us with our disaster response efforts at MoravianMission.org/Give. Please designate your gift to “MDR” to ensure that funds can be directed to the disaster relief efforts where there is the greatest need. Please make checks payable to “Board of World Mission” and send to:

U.S. Donors: Board of World Mission, 1021 Center Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Canadian Donors: Moravian Church in Canada, 600 Acadia Drive SE, Calgary, AB T2J 0B8. Interac e-Transfer donations may be sent to [email protected]. Include your name and address in the comments section of the transfer to receive tax receipts.

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