Our Mission is God’s Mission
By Bishop Chris Giesler
Assigned text: Luke 1:39-55
Our passage from Luke breaks into two sections. The first is the account of the pregnant Mary’s visit to her older cousin, Elizabeth, who was pregnant herself. The second contains what is often known as Mary’s Magnificat. It is a remarkable conversation! It is Mary’s heartfelt explanation to Elizabeth about what is happening to her and what Jesus’ coming birth means regarding God’s movement in the world.
First of all, we see here that God moves in mysterious ways and uses even the marginalized of the marginalized. In this account, we have an older woman, Elizabeth, who was considered barren. To not be fruitful and multiply was often considered a curse from God. We must also understand that in Biblical times, not having children would put great financial stress on the family. Children were the Social Security “safety net” of that time as they would care for their aging parents. These children were also responsible for carrying on the family name and legacy. So here we have an older woman who has now conceived a child late in her life hosting a young cousin who is carrying a child of her own conceived under questionable standards-at least by appearance. God does not need the rich and powerful to carry out a plan for salvation.
God’s plan is magnified and moved into action through these two women. This plan is outlined in Mary’s song, often labeled “The Magnificat”. She lays the groundwork for how Jesus will later describe his own ministry. Mary’s song underscores that this is God’s action and explains what God is doing through her, not what she is doing.
So, what is God’s mission here? According to Mary:
- God has looked favorably on her lowliness and Elizabeth’s as well.
- God has done great things for Mary in calling her to this act of service.
- God’s mercy is extended to those who fear (honor) God from generation to generation. This is not a temporary arrangement.
- God has shown strength by scattering the proud in this action toward the lowly.
- God has brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the lowly. This action will turn the world upside down. The scales are being turned.
- God fills the hungry with good things and has sent the rich away empty!
- In mercy, God has helped Israel, God’s servant.
These were radical ideas for Mary in her day, as they are for us today! These are words of hope and words that challenge us here in North America. Today, we are the rich and powerful. It begs us to ponder where God is calling us. How can we humble ourselves to be God’s servant rather than bending God’s will to bless our place in life?
Especially here at the end of Advent and close to the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we tend to romanticize all of this as a cute baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, being gently held in a manger. Mary tells us that what is happening with this baby is radical action on God’s part.
So, how are we magnifying God’s presence in the world today? How are we allowing God’s mission to become our mission?