Moravian missionaries arrived at Bluefields on March 14th, 1849 to begin the evangelistic ministry that would become the Moravian Church in Nicaragua. As time went on, missionaries from Europe and North America served as teachers, doctors and in other support capacities. In addition to building churches, the Moravians established schools, hospitals and health care centers. A hospital and nursing school were established in Bilwaskarma, as was a Bible Institute for the training of Nicaraguan pastors. Later, Moravians opened a hospital in Puerto Cabezas. Today the Moravian Church is concentrated on the east coast of Nicaragua, with congregations in almost every city, town, and village. Continuing the goal of ministering to the whole person, the church has rebuilt the hospital in Bilwaskarma, destroyed during the Contra War of the 1980s. In addition it maintains and directs two high schools, many elementary schools, a seminary and a university in Puerto Cabezas. Through its social development agency ADSIM, the Moravian Church directs resources to economic and developmental projects in remote villages with little infrastructure. During the conflict of the 1980s, many Nicaraguans migrated to the United States, resulting in the forming of new fellowships or congregations in Florida, Texas, and California.

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