The Unity Women’s Desk is a ministry of the worldwide Moravian Church whose purpose is to...
13th Moravian Women’s Conference set for June 20 – 23, 2019
June 2019 marks the 13th Moravian Women’s Conference and the 48th year since the first conference...
Exploring “By Galilee”
As part of our Create in Me series, we share a hymn from Sing to the Lord a New Song A New Moravian...
Moravian Church consecrates first Cuban bishop
In January, the Unitas Fratrum consecrated its first bishop from the growing ministry in Cuba...
Create in Me: Embodying poetry in a prose world
Our “Create in Me” series offers space for conversation about the ways people are shaping worship...
Cuban Camping Ministry continues to grow
In 2014, the first United States Mission Team of youth and young adults from throughout the...
Official Provincial Elders’ News
Prayer Day for Moravian Unity Work March 4, 2018 The first Sunday in March is designated as a day...
Ponderings: On recognizing light
The past few weeks have been really gloomy —the gloom that comes from cloudy, cold, wet weather...
Obituary: Sister Ruth Behrend
Sister Ruth L. (Knutson) Behrend died at Watertown, Wisconsin, January 21, 2018, at age 88. She was...
Southern Province prepares to “Live the Essentials with Courage...
In mid-April, Moravians from across the Southern Province will meet on a mountaintop in western...
Messages for Palm Sunday
Each week, Moravians across the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean share a common message through their...