The Northern Province Provincial Racial Justice Team is pleased to announce a 2021 Lenten Series called “A New Way of Being: From Confession to Hope.” This series builds on the Advent material offered last year. Each session will include a reflection on the lectionary texts for the preceding Sunday, conversations among Moravians as they discuss their journey toward a growing awareness of racial justice and healing, and discussion questions.
The series is offered on five Wednesday evenings in Lent, starting after Ash Wednesday and concluding before Holy Week. The series is open to all Moravians in the Northern and Southern Provinces.
All sessions begin at 7 p.m. ET/ 6 p.m. CT/ 5 p.m. MT/ 4 p.m. PT and will be led by:
- February 24 Mark Breland and Betsy Miller
- March 3 Bevon White and Frank Crouch
- March 10 Rhonda and Tracy Robinson
- March 17 Amy Gohdes-Luhman and Tim Berry
- March 24 Bruce Nelson and Riddick Weber
Participants may participate live, via Zoom; the recordings of the material will also be posted on the Racial Justice and Healing section of the Northern Province website following each session. Congregations may choose to offer this series in a format and timing that fits their schedule.
To join these sessions via Zoom, click this link; all five sessions will use the same link.
Session recordings from each week will be posted on this page.
February 24, 2021
The Rev. Mark Breland, Lititz Moravian Church, and the Rev. Dr. Betsy Miller, president, PEC, Moravian Church Northern Province.
March 3, 2021
The Rev. Bevon White and the Rev. Dr. Frank Crouch
March 10, 2021
The Revs. Tracy and Rhonda Robinson from Esperanza for Bethlehem (Pennsylvania)
March 17, 2021
With the Rev. Dr. Amy Gohdes-Luhman and Dr. Tim Berry
During this session, the presenters mention a video created by Dr. Berry and his family covering the Staples Singers song, “I Will Take You There.”
March 24, 2021
With the Rev. Dr. Riddick Weber, Moravian Theological Seminary, and the Rev. Bruce Nelson, Western District