Racial Justice and Healing

2022 Advent Series: A New Way of Being: Light, Wind, Healing, Home

Wednesdays in Advent: November 30, December 7, 14, and 21
7-8 pm ET, 6-7 pm CT, 5-6 pm MT
On Zoom – Open to All

To join each session on Zoom, click this link.

Special Guest – December 7

Dr. Catherine Meeks, Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing, Atlanta, GA and recent recipient of the Joseph R. Biden Lifetime Achievement Award and the Presidential Volunteer Service Award 

All Sessions: Musical offering, devotion, presentation, and conversation in small groups

  • Nov. 30 “Where can we find light…” Amanda Gorman
    Presentation – “Racism has wounded all of us.” [Dr. Catherine Meeks speaking in Montgomery, AL, Sept. 2022]
  • Dec. 07 “Trusting the new wind…”  Walter Brueggemann
    Presentation – Dr. Catherine Meeks, “Howard Thurman, Jesus and the Disinherited”
  • Dec. 14 Choosing Healing – “Do you want to get well?” Jesus
    Presentation – Choosing Wellness, Creating Beloved Community, and Getting Out of Prison” [Dr. Catherine Meeks speaking in Montgomery, AL, Sept. 2022]
  •  Dec. 21 “Get home with grace together as children of God.”  Catherine Meeks
    Presentation – Stay Faithful [Dr. Catherine Meeks speaking in Montgomery, AL, Sept. 2022]

Resources for racial justice and healing, and for the series, may be found at https://www.moravian.org/northern/category/racial-justice-and-healing/

Bibliography for this series can be found here (PDF).

We will follow these “best practices” for our conversations:

Rules for Respectful Conversations

  1. Use “I” language, speak from your own experience
  2. Do not speak for a group of people, i.e., “we” “everyone”
  3. Listen carefully and actively
  4. Ask clarifying questions, but do not attack a person’s point of view
  5. Allow yourself and others to pass on any question or discussion
  6. Be gracious and open to all comments
  7. Refrain from “educating” each other
  8. Be open to all perspectives, looking for the best in each other
  9. Be open-minded and ready to learn
  10. Confidentiality: we will not quote or summarize another person without their permission. We are encouraged to share what we personally learned from the collected ideas shared.