Engagement Opportunities Racial Justice and Healing

Solidarity Sunday: Churches for Middle East Peace

On Sunday, July 21st, Churches for Middle East Peace and its 35 member denominations and communions call upon congregations in the U.S. and worldwide to pray for peace in Gaza and the broader Middle East as part of Solidarity Sunday.

Solidarity Sunday resources from Churches for Middle East Peace are now available and will continue to be updated as other materials are received. Congregations may select any resources they would like to use for their worship services, within one or more of the themes listed below. There are worship outlines, prayers, videos from Christian Leaders in the Holy Land, hymn selections, graphics and action steps which are all downloadable at https://cmep.org/event/solidarity-sunday/. As soon as the form at this link is completed, all the materials are accessible. The form includes a suggested donation for the materials for those who would like to donate to CMEP. These resources come from a range of communions.

1. Solidarity Sunday: Standing with Christians in the Holy Land
2. Solidarity Sunday: Praying for Peace in Gaza and the Middle East
3. Solidarity Sunday: Calling for a Comprehensive Ceasefire
4. Solidarity Sunday: Working Together to Prevent Genocide

This day of prayerful solidarity and calls for justice comes just days before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is slated to speak before the U.S. Congress. Mark your calendars and encourage your churches to join us in this faithful call for comprehensive ceasefire and peace for all in the Holy Land.

Please contact the Rev. Sue Koenig, Director of Racial Justice and Healing, at [email protected] with any questions.