Racial Justice and Healing

Being a Christian Citizen: A Bible Study for Our Time

The MCNP Racial Justice Team has written a five-week Bible Study on Christian citizenship drawing on the Moravian Covenant for Christian Living (MCCL) and related scriptural texts entitled, “Being a Christian Citizen: A Bible Study for Our Time.” The study may be downloaded below for use in congregations. Each of the five sessions include a relevant section of the MCCL, Biblical passages and background information for each Biblical text, and dialogue questions.

The Provincial Elders’ Conference commends the study as a tool for honest and respectful conversations about the challenges of being a Christian citizen in these times. A version of “Being a Christian Citizen,” adapted for use in Canada will be available soon. Please contact the Rev. Sue Koenig, Director of Racial Justice and Healing, at [email protected] for additional information or assistance with offering the study in your congregation.

Click here for a PDF of the Bible Study.

Click here for the Being a Christian Citizen workbook.

Click here for a suggested resource on the rules for respectful conversation.