The congregations of the Northern Province are in prayer December 1-22, 2024, as part of the Unity Prayer Watch, a practice that keeps Moravians around the world in prayer at all times.
From the Unity: The origins of the Unity Prayer Watch date to the time of the reorganization of the Unitas Fratrum (Moravian Church) in Herrnhut, Germany, and in particular the powerful unifying experience of the Holy Communion service on August 13, 1727. In the days following this awakening a group of men and women decided to establish a “holy watch over the congregation.” This was seen to follow the biblical command to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17) and to reflect the promise of the prophet Isaiah that God would set sentinels on the walls of Jerusalem that would not keep quiet day and night (Isa. 62:6-7). Brothers and sisters signed up so that each one could take one hour of the day or night to pray in his or her room. This prayer watch was known as the “hourly intercession,’ and continued within every Moravian congregation for roughly 100 years, even as the Church grew and spread worldwide.
In 1957, when the Unitas Fratrum celebrated its 500th anniversary, the women’s group of Herrnhut proposed a revival of the hourly intercession for the entire worldwide Church as part of the anniversary year. At Unity Synod that year it was unanimously agreed to reestablish the Unity Prayer Watch on an ongoing basis throughout the entire Church.
From PEC President Rev. Dave Bennett: It’s easy for us as Moravians to take for granted this ancient practice of our faith. Joining together with our world-wide Moravian family, we are able to be in conversation with God not only every day of the year, but literally every hour and minute. It’s humbling to think, that at any given moment, whether it be one of blessing or sorrow, someone from our faith family is in prayer for the world and all of us within it. It’s actually a gift we give not only to the world, but an honor given to our Chief Elder, Jesus Christ.
This is a practice…even a discipline….which is never more important than in this day and time. Our world is faced with challenges and decisions which may seem daunting in the moment, but are opportunities for us to invite Christ’s presence and leading as decisions are made….as we tend to those whose lives have been so drastically affected by weather…..and even division and unrest in places where our Moravian brothers and sisters reside.
As we continue in this sacred tradition, a list of prayer topics are included which cover the needs and celebrations of our Moravian provinces across the globe. We invite you also to pray for your own local and personal matters for which you wish to lay before our Savior.
As in the past, we have the privilege of praying for the world during the month of December. The enclosed calendar assigns a specific day to your congregation; many of you share the day with another worshipping community. Please feel free to find ways to invite your flock to pray – silently or out loud – alone or in groups – in person or virtually – so that the offering of prayers uttered by Moravians remains constant and faithful.
We share a day with our brothers and sisters in Peru, a developing province in the Moravian Unity currently under our support. December 22 will be a day they will have the opportunity to live out this wonderful act of faith in collaboration with us.
Thank you for carrying on this act of our faith, which joins us together as the worldwide Unity – a gift to us from God. Thank you for embracing our world, our Moravian Church, and all of creation within the blessings of “never-ending prayer.”
Prayer Watch Assignments
Click here for a list of prayer topics.