The Emerging Ministries Committee has hired two new part-time coordinators to support the work of our Northern Province emerging ministries. T. C. Moore is serving as the Leadership Development Coordinator and Evan Taylor is the Ministry Development Coordinator. Read more about each of their roles and background below, and please help us welcome them warmly to the ministry of the Northern Province!
Rev. T. C. Moore is a graffiti artist, circle-keeper, and theology nerd. Since Jesus liberated him from gang-life as a teenager, he’s followed God’s call to the cities of New Orleans, Boston, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis-Saint Paul. For over two decades he’s served youth and families by developing mentoring programs, church-planting, teaching theology, shepherding congregations, and working for justice in community-based organizations. He’s a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Center for Urban Ministerial Education in Boston and he currently serves co-vocationally in Saint Paul, Minnesota as pastor of Roots Moravian Church and as a restorative justice practitioner for court-involved youth through the Power in Peace diversion program. He’s the author of Forged: Following Jesus into a New Kind of Family (Broadleaf, 2024) and he and his wife, Osheta, live in Saint Paul with their three adult children.
In his new role as Leadership Development Coordinator (LDC), T. C. is charged with collaborating with the Emerging Ministries Committee (EMC) and the new Ministry Development Coordinator (MDC) to recruit, train, and assess leaders for service in emerging ministries and new faith communities. T. C. believes there are many called and gifted ministers and lay leaders who are searching for a denominational home like the Moravian Church Northern Province. Like him and Osheta, many are leaving Evangelical denominations in order to embrace God’s expansive love and inclusion of all people, regardless of race, ability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. He dreams of a new generation of Moravians embracing our missional roots with Spirit-inspired expressions of contextual ministry that witness to the power of Christ’s Gospel and the in-breaking kin(g)dom of God.
Reverend Evan Blaire Taylor is an Itinerant Deacon in the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) and serves on the ministerial staff at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC. She is equal parts creative & technologist with a penchant for equity, education, and storytelling. Evan uses equity-centered design thinking, coaching, and integrated technology to transform user-centered experiences, ministries, and faith communities. She embraces her calling to serve as a catalyst for equity in education, entrepreneurship, and faith communities.
As a coach, Evan accompanies seminarians, founders & ministry leaders as they discover, explore, and articulate their vocation. As a technologist, she has served as the webmaster, communications coordinator, and assisted with the website design for Metropolitan AME Church; Designed and refreshed the website for Life Change AME Church; and designed landing pages for the Potomac District of the 2nd Episcopal District and Ebenezer AME Church – Charlotte Hall. She hopes to use her vision, talents and her philanthropic investments to connect communities to resources; unearth gifts, skills, and talents; promote healing and reconciliation across lines of difference; and create pathways to leadership in the church, and the world.
She earned her undergraduate degrees in Mass Communications and Political Science from the Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; an MBA from Strayer University; and an M.Div. from Wesley Theological Seminary, both in Washington, DC. She also completed the Institute of Political Journalism program at Georgetown University. While at Wesley Theological Seminary, Evan served as Student Council President, editor of the Wesley Journal and as a Community Engagement Fellow.
As the new Ministry Development Coordinator of Emerging Ministries & New Faith Communities in the Moravian Church Northern Province, she plans to combine her coaching, nonprofit and ministry acumen to meet the needs of current and future emerging ministry leaders. Evan will lead partnering with emerging ministries to grow and scale their ideas and promote sustainability through coaching, resource development and administrative support. She hopes to expand emerging ministry engagement and grow the grant program.