In 2023, the Northern Province Synod affirmed “the worth, dignity, and inherent value and rights of immigrants, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, and declare[d] its support for the humane treatment of any person coming across our borders, regardless of legal status.”1 Other resolutions encouraged the development of educational materials for congregations to better understand the issues around immigration;2 and encouraged the PEC’s advocacy for humane policies at our borders.3 The Synod reiterated earlier Synod’s action by going “on record as supporting those who, acting out of their faith and witness, provide sanctuary and asylum to those fleeing from persecution in their home lands.”4
The MCNP Racial Justice Team is providing Moravian clergy and congregations with initial educational and practical resources to care for the immigrant and refugee neighbors in your communities. We encourage you to:
- Use the resources provided and the resources available from the Board of World Mission (click here) and the ELCA (click here) to become aware of issues related to immigration; share and discuss the issues in your congregation and with others
- Prepare to care for immigrants and refugees in your community
- Become aware of your neighbors and make connections with immigrant and refugee communities
- Distribute and have on hand copies of the Red Card (click here) and related How to Use the Red Card resource (click here); and the Rights Card (click here); and make them widely and readily available.
- Consider opportunities to stand in solidarity and/or engage in advocacy with immigrant and refugee communities
- Connect with ecumenical partners and others local groups working with immigrant communities to protect the dignity and rights of immigrants, migrants, and asylum seekers
- Review the ELCA guidance to their congregations regarding being a Sanctuary Church (click here) and the pastoral letter from the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri on “Becoming a Place of Sanctuary” (click here)
Jesus commands us to love and care for our neighbors. The scriptures of the Old and New Testaments direct us to care for those seeking refuge and shelter in our lands. As our spiritual ancestors began as refugees receiving sanctuary in Herrnhut, and as a worldwide Unity with many of those seeking refuge from areas with Moravian populations, this is a critical time to remember our baptism and courageously bring light and hope to our immigrant and refugee neighbors.
Please contact Sue Koenig at [email protected] or Marian Boyle Rohloff at [email protected] for additional information.
1Seventh Partial Report of the Church and Society Committee Resolved (27) The 2023 Synod of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church affirms the worth, dignity, and inherent value and rights of immigrants, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, and declares its support for the humane treatment of any person coming across our borders, regardless of legal status; and be it further…
2Resolved (29) The 2023 Synod of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church encourages District organizations such as the Eastern District Church & Society Committee, the Western District Justice Team, and the Board of Elders of the Canadian District, as well as other members of our congregations, to develop educational materials for congregations to better understand the issues around immigration; and be it further…
3Resolved (30) The 2023 Synod of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church requests that the Provincial Elder’s Conference advocate for humane policies at our borders, including but not limited to welcoming unaccompanied children, refusing to separate families, rejecting changes to child labor laws that endanger the lives of children, and continuing to reunite all children who have been separated from family members at the border; and be it further
4Resolved (31) The 2023 Synod of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church goes on record as supporting those who, acting out of their faith and witness, provide sanctuary and asylum to those fleeing from persecution in their home lands.