It’s that time of year again! Rev. Christy Clore presents the official recommendations list from the CCD Resource Center for Vacation Bible School 2023. If you have any concerns or questions about these or other VBS offerings you are considering for your congregation, please contact Christy at [email protected].
from Inside Out Curriculum (Christian Resources for Outdoor Ministries) by Chalice Press
This curriculum offers a potential 7 session look at the Fruits of the Spirit with lots of options that can be chosen among to match the goals and age groups.
from Augsburg Fortress (ELCA)
This program looks at 5 spiritual practices for creating the world God hopes for us – feeding, healing, forgiving, praying, and resting. It offers preschool to adult content that could work well for either age-based or blended-ages for children or a more intergenerational approach.
from Brethren Press/Menno Media
This program looks at ways we can be change makers for living as God’s people – by asking questions, working together to solve problems, responding to others’ needs, building bridges, and creating God’s kingdom among us. This offers a more traditionally graded/grouped program for preschool through 5th grade.
from Illustrated Ministry
This is the second installment in this series of materials from Illustrated Ministry and looks at the basics all people need to thrive – shelter, food, water, air, and community. It is designed with options for youth or intergenerational programming or done in groups for preschool through 5th grade.
($249.99-399.99 depending on congregation size)
Don’t forget to consider a 4-5 session unit of age-based curriculum like Growing in God’s Love or Follow Me to create a simple VBS with a great thematic focus. Christy is willing to help consult and advise if this option feels like a good choice for you.
I wholeheartedly agree with their top picks for this year’s materials and they offer a more detailed look at the pros and cons of the materials noted.
Note: Please keep in mind that we no longer order VBS curriculum packages. Churches must now order packages directly from the various publishers.