Moravian University
The School of Theology at Moravian University invites applications for three tenure-track positions at the Assistant Professor rank to start in July 2025. This cluster hire is intended to attract the best candidates from a diverse pool to join us in working to build and sustain inclusive excellence. Candidates will demonstrate innovation in teaching and scholarship, competence to teach in multiple disciplines, including interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary content, and flexibility and generosity in addressing the needs of the new School of Theology. Experience in academic leadership, accreditation and institutional research, and grant writing is desirable. These positions are for: Tenure Track appointments with needs for teaching in the areas of 1) Religious Education or 2) Pastoral Care/Clinical Counseling/Chaplaincy or 3) Ministerial Leadership.
View the full job description by clicking here.
Moravian University job posted Jan 21.
The Dwelling
A Spark’Dwell Summer intern will be responsible for communicating with service teams and community leaders, she/he/they will help organize the art of ministry during short-term service experience weeks and will provide leadership with logistical organization and curriculum for Spark’Dwell’s summer 2025 programming.
View the full job description by clicking here.
The Dwelling job posted Jan 15.
Home Moravian Church
Home Moravian Church, a Christian congregation in Winston-Salem, N.C., seeks an experienced administrative assistant to serve as the communications “pivot point” for our staff and congregation. This is a full-time (33 ½ hours), in-person job, Monday through Friday, onsite on our historic church campus in the village of Salem. Salary range is 40,000-42,000, along with health insurance, 403b retirement with a contribution from the church, vacation, and 12 paid holidays.
View the full job description by clicking here.
Home Moravian Church job posted Nov 14.
Forsyth Prison Ministry
The Chaplain fulfills assigned ministry and program responsibilities in a variety of locations – the detention center, the correctional center, churches, and the community at large. The detention center and the correctional center in Winston-Salem are the main locations of service. The Chaplain provides direct services to inmates, institutional staff, and their families. The four areas of ministry include: pastoral support, volunteers, administration, and community relations. Specific acts of ministry include counseling, planning programs, supervising volunteers, and promoting community awareness. The Chaplain fulfills these and other assigned responsibilities under the direction of the Executive Director, the Personnel Committee, and the Board of Directors.
View the full job description by clicking here.
Forsyth Prison Ministry job posted Aug 20.
Hope Moravian Church
Hope Moravian is looking for an Administrative Assistant. The administrative assistant will perform general clerical duties, create/distribute various church publications and information, online and print
View the full job description by clicking here.
Hope Moravian job posted Aug 15.
Home Moravian Church
Home Moravian Church seeks a part-time Youth Ministry Coordinator. We are looking specifically for commitment to engage youth (grades 6-12) in discipleship, worship, mission, fellowship, social action, reflection, and relationships. The Youth Ministry Coordinator will foster such engagement through
- Weekly Sunday and Wednesday gathering opportunities
- Trips, camps, mission projects, and special events that promote the mission and vision of Home Moravian Church
View the full job description by clicking here.
Home Moravian Church seeks a part-time Children’s Ministry Coordinator. The Children’s Ministry Coordinator oversees all children’s ministries for children aged 3 to 10 (5th grade). This ministry position includes oversight of volunteers serving in our children’s areas with the sole purpose of leading all children to a foundational authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. Ministry areas include:
- Children’s Sunday School
- Mid-week Children’s Programming
- Godly Play (a Montessori-based curriculum used in Children’s Church)
- Special / seasonal events that promote the mission and vision of Home Moravian Church and its Children’s Ministry
View the full job description by clicking here.
Home Moravian Jobs posted on Aug 14, 2024.
New Beginnings Moravian Church
New Beginnings Moravian Church is seeking to fill two job openings. They would especially entertain a Moravian college student who will be attending UNCC or other nearby University in the fall to provide them with some income. A young person who is pursuing a degree in education would find this opportunity appealing.
- Director of Christian Education Ministry oversees and directs all aspects of Christian Education for adults, youth and children’s ministries, and manages the development and growth of the Christian Education programs. View Full Job Description.
- Nursery Attendant must be available Sundays from 10:15-11:45 and will work with children from infancy to 2 years old.
Email Rev. Russ Williams for more information or to apply.
Added August 5, 2024
New Philadelphia Moravian Church
The Director of Children and Community Ministries at New Philadelphia Moravian Church will be responsible to the church through the Senior Pastor (immediate supervisor) and Joint Board for overseeing its children’s ministry and coordinating its partnership with the New Philadelphia Preschool, South Fork Elementary, and other partners. Read the full job description. Email to apply.
Added July 30, 2024
The Armando Rusindo Mission Foundation Seeks Part-Time Executive Director
About the Job: The Executive Director will fulfill the role of expanding our mission in serving those in need in Cuba, as well as other parts of the world. Reporting to the board of directors, the executive director will oversee the strategic and operational efficiencies of our programs and staff. This seasoned leader will not only understand current trends in missions but will also have experience in developing and implementing a successful fundraising plan while working with the fund-raising committee. Above all, the Executive Director should be highly effective in a leadership role that requires clear communication skills and decisiveness. Expectations:
- Experience in working with boards and committees
- Outreach skills for connecting with churches and community groups
- Travel to Cuba and possibly other countries.
- Fluency in Spanish
- Competitive pay
Email Joe Jarvis for more information.
Added August 3, 2024
Sunnyside Ministry
Development Manager
Sunnyside Ministry is seeking a Full-Time Development Manager. The successful candidate will be primarily responsible for leading our fundraising efforts and managing our volunteer recruitment initiatives.
While the Full-Time Development Manager will have the autonomy to work independently, they will also be an integral part of our team, collaborating as part of our team. They will work with the Crisis Assistance Manager to ensure all volunteers are well-trained.
The Development Manager will work with the Executive Director to build a realistic fundraising plan to fund the mission of Sunnyside Ministry. The candidate should be computer literate and willing to learn several database systems, including Little Green Light (donor software) and Volunteer Impact (volunteer database).
Sunnyside Ministry is a Crisis Ministry based in Winston-Salem that provides Food, Clothing, and Financial Assistance to the Forsyth and Davidson County Communities. It is in its 46th year of operation and was established by the Moravian Church in America, Southern Province, as a mission outreach. Sunnyside Ministry remains an affiliated ministry of the Moravian Church in America, Southern Province.
The Development Manager reports to the Executive Director.
For more information, email: [email protected]
The deadline for Applications is June 28, 2024, or until filled.
Sunnyside Ministry is seeking an interpreter. The candidate should be fluent in English and Spanish. The interpreter will work 34 hours a week. The interpreter will work closely with the Crisis Assistance Manager and will do food/clothing intakes, make/answer phone calls from Spanish speakers. The interpreter may also work in food and clothing on an on-call basis.
The candidate must have a High School Diploma, be fluent in both English and Spanish and the desire to work as part of a team. They should be motivated to see that all our neighbors receive excellent service.
The Interpreter reports to the Executive Director.
For more information, email: [email protected]
Salary depends upon experience, high school diploma is required. The job interview will be conducted in English and Spanish, to assure the candidate is able to speak and understand both languages.
The position will remain open until filled.
Unity Moravian Church:
See more information about both jobs at Unity here.
- Office & Communications Manager will perform clerical duties and general office functions related to the administrative activities of Unity Moravian Church. This is a salaried position, 20 hours/week 9-2 M-Th, Friday flexible Start date as soon as possible.
- Director of Music Ministry should be a creative, energetic, and collaborative leader who will recruit, equip, motivate, and shepherd Unity’s many talented musicians. This is a salaried position, hiring range of $11,600-$15,000 15-20 hours/week during Start date: Aug 1, 2024.
Trinity Moravian Church
See more information about all three jobs at Trinity here.
- Office Coordinator will be responsible for managing the daily operations of the church office. Part time, 10-12 hours/week competitive pay depending on experience.
- Social Media/PR/Webcast Coordinator will maintain and grow our visibility and presence online, social media, help manage weekly webcasts, and promotion. The digital media coordinator will be part time, 8-12 hours/week with competitive pay depending on experience.
- Bookkeeper will maintain the financial records of the church using PowerChurch software. This is a part time position, 10-12 hours/week, with 2-4 hours on sight to print checks and reports. Competitive pay depending on experience