After an address by Brother B.J. Pfohl on October 14, 1924 , the Friedland Band was organized with 23 members and later on was enlarged to 30 with Archie Hine, president; Fred A. Reed, secretary; Henry Reed, treasurer; Buford Hine, leader; and James Teague, director.
The instruments arrived on December 11, 1924, and the first lesson was taught between Christmas and New Year’s at the church. Each member was to pay 20 cents per lesson, the meeting night was set for Wednesday night of each week, and on February 18, 1925, the band made its first appearance to the public.
Charter members of the Friedland Band were Robah Rothrock, Buford Hine, Archie Hine, Walter R. Hine, Holland Sapp, Robert Yokeley, James Hine, Richard Reed, Odell Martin, Clifton Sapp, Robert Hine, Homer Crews, Clete Leonard, Colon Hine, Wade Reid, Dallas Chappell, Luther Hine, John Hine, Russell Hine, Fred Reed, Nathaniel Hine, Henry Reed, Phin Hine and Ivey Hine.
The first female member of the Band was Miss Addie Teague, who joined in 1925.
On Easter Sunday morning, April 12, 1925, the band went to Kernersville at 2 o’clock in the morning to unite with Kernersville at the Sun Rise service, with a combined band of 60 instruments, then to Friedland at 10 o’clock for service here. This was one of the most united services ever experienced at both places. Rev. Walser Allen oversaw the services. The band was served breakfast in Kernersville and dinner at Friedland. The attendance at Kernersville was 750 and 1000 at Friedland.
Under the direction of James C. Teague, the Friedland Band continued to grow, not only in numbers, but in ability to play, soon becoming a fine concert band.
James C. Teague directed the Band for thirty-six years.
Additional band directors include Dallas Chappell, Robert Martin, Eugene Finley, Robert C. Clark, Terry Sink, Tommy Reed, Brent Talley, Matthew Brooks, and Robbie Alphin.
The Friedland Band continues the tradition of this ministry today in respect and honor of those who came before us. We celebrated the 100th anniversary of The Friedland Band on February 2, 2025, during the 11 am worship service.
From Friedland Moravian Church (1775-2025), where our roots run deep in our community and in service to Our Lord